Chapter- 62 The End

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After King Theo left she stared a few times at the glass that contained his blood. Now that she can finally resolve her problem by drinking it a sudden realization hits her. She starts to contemplate if ever she took it will her husband feel hurt or will this thing go to help?! Her mind starts to create a different scenario that begins to make her feel uneasy about this situation. The best thing to do now is to ask Dalton. But it seems like her devilishly handsome prince just read her thoughts. He took the first move and grasped her hand again which started to feel colder than its normal coldness. He smiled at her conveying an understanding look on his face.
" Drink it, my love, even when we are in the demon world. I knew already that you won't be at ease not knowing anything about your past. I fully understand so don't worry about it. The reason that my feelings are unsettled is that I still dream of that day when you were snatched away from me and I can't protect you even though I know I am already that powerful" Dalton paused for a bit to caress her cheeks. She leans on his warm palm while there's a grateful smile etched on her face.
Her mate's words ease a bit of her doubt.
"Now do what you want my love, I don't feel any hidden agenda in King Theo's words. If he wants to harm and take you away from me this will not only damage the unification of Vampire society and other immortals. He won't do such a drastic move on us because I see he cared for his people like a true king should. Besides, I would love it if you can remember our first meeting, how I chased you, and everything we've been through. We can try it and if we fail again we can always create new memories that later we can share with our future kids."
Dalton said with earnest sincerity.
" Is it really alright for me to do this? To be honest I'm scared. What if I did so many bad things to you in the past and I hurt your feelings? I'm afraid that I can't face you again after regaining my past. You have been treating me like a Goddess, pampering me with everything you can offer. I don't know if the old me is grateful enough to you." All her guts have gone into the water and Maricella doesn't know why she feels so bad when she can already gain her lost memories. Tears freely run down her cheeks as she feels her chest tighten and her throat becomes dry.
" Shush, you've never been wrong with me, you're just You, my sweet angel. Don't overthink and hurry up, drink it my love so we don't have anything to regret in our life." He pecked a kiss on her lips and brought the glass to her mouth. She gave him a nod following what he wanted and shut her brain from thinking. She opens her mouth and finally drinks King Theo's blood. Once it was consumed by her body she felt like she was stuck in a portal of memories. The black and white image of her riding on the bus dreaming about her mate and meeting him for the first time in the vicinity of the campus went all back in her mind. Their struggles were when she went missing and got abducted by a Lunatic Prince William. Meeting a royalty slave and helping them to live a new life as normal vampires. Maricella remembered how happy they were when they found out that she was pregnant. They travel back to the mortal realm to get married again. The horrifying scene in the cathedral was too shocking to her that she felt unconscious without knowing it. The memories still continuously flowed inside her head until she regained everything she lost.
When she woke up she saw everyone looking worried at her. She noticed that King Theo's face has an almost healing bruise. Martha and her parents are there too. When she scans the surroundings she realized that she's in her room at her parents' house.
" Hey, Ella, do you remember me?" It was Abi waving her hand in front of her face.
" Yes, Abi, I remember you." She confirmed. Dalton helped her to sit up on the bed. Abi smiles at her as a flood of relief is evident on her face while she wipes off some tears in her eyes.
"Ohh my gosh! You're finally back!" She frantically said before pulling Maricella in a hug.
" Babe, be careful, she's pregnant, remember?!" It was Marcus reminding his girlfriend to go easy on Maricella; she smiled back at him while wiping the tears from her cheeks. She mouthed a "thank you" word to Abi's boyfriend before breaking her best friend's bear hug. She feels so good having back her lost memory that sitting on her bed feels uncomfortable. With the help of her loving husband who kept his silence. She stood up and opened her arms to Serina who was waiting for her turn to welcome her. She smiled cheekily before hugging Serina tight.
"Welcome back my friend, it's good to see you again." She said to her patting Maricela's back.
"It's good to see you too my friend, Sorry about my earlier attitude, and don't forget to visit me when you go back to the demon world," she said to her happily.
" It's nothing. I know your situation and I won't forget to visit you whenever I visit the demon realm." They broke the hug and she saw the dean standing behind his daughter.
She offered her hand to him and said " Thank you for accepting me again Dean, I hope I didn't give you so much headache." He smiled back, shaking her hand.
" It's nothing much, though I must admit having you and Dalton back to the Academy gave a fuss to the untamed heiress in the campus." Everyone laughed at what he said. She'd indeed been suffering from jealousy when they first came back to the academy. She's so frustrated and scared that she might lose her husband to those cunning princesses on the campus that added to her hormone imbalance due to her pregnancy.  Moving forward she smiled at her friend, King Theo was a bit hesitant but she opened her arms inviting him for a hug.
" I owe you, this time my friend," she uttered to him.
" It's Nothing, I owe my life to you and our kind.
" Did my husband do this to you?" She asked when she looked at his face, those silver eyes that looked empty before when she first met him are now filled with soul.
" I think it's justified for snatching you away and for leaving without knowing what will happen to you. I got scared back then, I thought you won't wake up."
"Nonsense I had some of your superb strength and my husband shared power. I'm not gonna die quickly, my friend. " When Maricella heard her mom sobbing, she patted King Theo's arm and turned to face her parents.
" Mom, You're overreacting, see I'm all good" she tried to make a joke to lighten the atmosphere.
"Silly child! you still have the guts to bully your mom, I thought something wrong happened to you and your baby." Without saying further words she gave them a bear hug while smiling. She saw King Theo slip away and she knew he didn't want to spoil this reconciliation with her growing family.
" Hey, Martha I haven't thanked you properly. Thank you for helping me back then and until I lost it all you kept your promise to be there for me and guide me back to my husband."
" It's Nothing, thanks to you King Theo, let me have the privilege to study more and improve my power by going to different countries. Meeting other great Oracles.
They both hold hands together when someone bursts inside the room.
" Sister! Are you ok?" Princess Sophie looked like she just came out off the stage looking glamorous in the outfit that she probably wore on the fashion stage.
" Hi, Sophie I'm good, I missed you"
" Ohh my gosh! You remember me?!"
Maricella smiled and nodded her head. Sophie flung herself to her without thinking. Luckily Dalton was quick to catch his sister.
" Easy now, Are you trying to harm my wife and my unborn child Sophie?" Before the two starts to banter with each other Maricella comes in between and hugs Sophie.
" I'm glad to see you again. " Sophie's face turned red with tears in her eyes until she bawled out crying. She pats her back until she calms down.

When everyone left and went down the stairs to eat she felt someone embrace her from behind, and her smile went from ear to ear. Especially when her husband speaks through their mind link.
"I miss you very much, my sweet angel."
"I miss you too, my Iron Man. I'm so happy that I  can finally regain what I lost and that I wasn't bad to you before. It's more like you're the mean one with the shotgun wedding and getting me pregnant." she turned herself around to face the godliest demon prince that captured her heart.
Their eyes interlock and Maricella could feel their souls glide together balancing the negative and positive energy that flows in their bodies. It felt so good to feel this kind of calm within their soul. They are now finally back to their normal self.
" Indeed I'm the mean one, but I feel bad today."
"Hmm? Why?"
" Because you were supposed to give me your first hug but I didn't get it." He pouted his lips and the ash smoke around his obsidian orbs gave me a hint that his demon side needs her. She smiled at him and cupped his face. Maricella pulled him down to her level and whispered words into his ear.
" Then, what are you waiting for, my iron man, bring me to our love nest? I'll give you my full attention" she bites his ears and licks his earlobe. He grunted, restraining his desire but his hand tightened on her waist pressing his lower body that had an obvious bulge on it. She giggled while grinding her body on it.
" Don't. Damn it! Hold on tight my love" he complained and in a blink of an eye they are back in their love nest where nobody can bother them.

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