Chapter 7

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"Helwo. (Hello)" Wednesday's eyes opened to Y/n "Hello, Y/n." Wednesday replied to the boy, Y/n smiled this made him happy. "Time for Weds eat! (It's time for Wednesday to eat)" Y/n announced picking up Wednesday "I can eat when I choose, Y/n." Wednesday told him struggling to get out of his arms this made Wednesday notice something, her hair was down, did Y/n take her braids out? "Nneeope Wedds eat neow, so Weddy nout starve. (Nope Wednesday eats now so she doesn't starve)" Y/n said as he carried Wednesday downstairs.

Y/n brought Wednesday to the kitchen and placed her carefully in a chair before sitting next to her. Morticia smiled looking back and forth between Y/n and Wednesday, she was familiar with magic, did she know what Y/n is? What he was? 

Morticia turned to her daughter. "Wednesday, play with your food." She told Wednesday. Wednesday poked at her food and it started to squirm, when a loud cry was heard, which caused Y/n to fall off his chair on to Wednesday. "Mama?"Morticia called. 

"Who put this in here!?" Grandma shouted. Pugsley and Fester turned to each other snickering "That's for company." Grandma scolded. "Rascals." Gomez commented as Dr. Pinder-Schloss walked in. "Doctor! you were right. What an evening! Gomez told Dr. Pinder-Schloss "Fester fits right in." Morticia said "The displacement is over!" Gomez announced. 

"Well, isn't that... nice. "Dr. Pinder-Schloss commented "Does he really have to go?" Wednesday asked pulling Y/n out from under the table. "Yes, he does." Dr. Pinder-Schloss said. "Well, if he insists upon leaving, weshall mark the occasion. Tish?" Gomez replied, Morticia turned to Fester "We've planned a farewell party." She Explained "We've invited the whole clan." Gomez added. Amazed by the gesture, Fester looks over at Gomez andMorticia. 

"What a lovely gesture." Dr. Pinder-Schloss commented. Morticia gazed at her family "Bloodshed... anguish... breakfast...We're a family again, and we oweit all to you, Dr. Pinder-Schloss." She said "Please, Greta" Dr. Pinder-Schloss told her "Greta." Morticia replied "Fester walk me out" Dr. Pinder-Schloss said.


Wednesday sits on her bed with Y/n as he braids one side of her hair while she braids the other.    

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