Chapter 3 'Men At Work'

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[Alright, so in 2 chapters, as of writing, this book has managed 2.7k reads and over 332 votes. That's incredible! However...The only thing slowing down the party is the lack of comments. With 8 being in the first chapter, and 40 in the second. Now, that isn't so bad. However, the majority of those are for the vote at the end. So, in an attempt to boost the vocal point of this story, I have decided to make this chapter longer!

But in saying that, there is a reason why I've had these first chapters short. Well, if you consider 3k words short, like me. You see, I wanted to try something different with this book. I wanted each chapter to feel like a day in the life of the reader. Adding suspense and this world around him so when the action eventually does come, it can be fun, and thrilling, on both a reading point, and a thinking point.

But today I feel the need for going further in the word count in order to progress this story further. So, with that being said, sit back and relax, for a longer chapter today in the world of the Chainsaw Man universe.]

[Your POV]

January 25th. 7:15 A.M. The day had finally arrived. Even in the early hours of the morning, I was unable to find peace as I lay in bed. From my resting place, I watched through the window as the world outside came to life. I witnessed night become day, and the birds of the dark dissipate with the shadows. Only when the sounds of cars and the busy morning lifestyle of Japan arose did I do the same. Thankfully for me, getting up in the morning at such early hours when there were still specks of orange in the sky was normal for him. 

It was once my legs managed to uncover themselves from the warmth of my bed sheets that I slowly made my way into the bathroom. The hot water of the shower was a pleasant feeling. I didn't want to leave this foray of steaming water that spread over my bad. It was the little things like this that brought me bliss in the most simple of moments. Once my shower was done, I dried myself off. Once I was dry, the formation of placing on my work outfit came next. I didn't often wear a suit and tie, but seeing as it was in the normal for Public Safety workers to wear such things, I couldn't help but find a little enjoyment in it. 

Finally, I was where I was supposed to be. With that thought I finished the final marks on my tie before I took a look at myself in the mirror. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I think I should have started wearing suits a long time ago. Once I was done admiring my reflection, I made my way to the kitchen where a plate of eggs, bacon, and some toast awaited for me. Sure, I liked the convenient Japanese breakfast, but sometimes you can't help but want to have the stuff you grew up on, right? As I ate breakfast, I watched some TV. 

Flicking through the countless stations, I was gifted by the various shows Japanese television had to offer me. Whether it be the plethora of news channels, anime, Tokusatsu action shows, or a few re-runs of old game shows. There was definitely something for everyone. I spent some time watching a familiar anime whilst I ate my breakfast. I must have still been nervous. Because what would usually take me twenty minutes of eating, ended up finishing within five. This left me with nothing to do for a good fifteen minutes. 

So all I could do was lazily walk around in circles in the centre of my apartment, picturing what my day would be like at Public Safety. It felt like an eternity for the short amount of time to pass by. But once it finally reached 8:30 A.M. I was out that front door within seconds. Though, in a surprising turn of events, I seemed to not be alone in such. For as I opened my door, the exact opposites to my left and right did the same. Out stepping Himeno and Makima, both wearing suits as well. As soon as we noticed each other, there was an odd silence momentarily. That was until a cheeky smirk appeared on Himeno's lips.

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