Chapter 20 'Chainsaw Man'

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[This was going to be longer, but with Wattpad Notifications still playing up, I don't want to put a massive wave of effort into writing 10k plus words if its not going to reach anyone. Don't worry, it's still 7k plus. This chapter will just be split into two, with the second probably coming out in a few days]

[So after a good return for the last chapter, I am back to continue to the grind for this book. Would have been back sooner, but Wattpad had problems with notifications so I didn't want to release a chapter without knowing whether or not the notifications would reach you all. So if you're seeing this, that must mean that the notifications are properly fixed now, meaning there isn't ANYTHING stopping me from bring you all another BANGER chapter of fun Yandere action. 

--And before we start, I just wanna clarify something. Just because we're following the anime, I still wanna add in some of my own stuff to still make it enjoyable and for it to not be a one-by-one retelling. And I've got some of that sprinkled into this chapter, because trust me, I think this will be really fun. All I'll say is...How do you all think a Yandere will go...When they have to deal with an obsessive fan who sees the Yandere's boyfriend as their hero?!--

So if you're all ready, let's get into it. Because we continue into the world of the Anime!!]

[3rd Person POV]

The faint sound of heavy 'clicks' and 'clacks' filled the air as a train crossed through the Japanese countryside. In the far distance, the bountiful city of Tokyo could be seen. It was the destination this train was heading straight for, with multiple people on the train eagerly awaiting for it to arrive. But out of everyone, there was one person in particular who was excited more than anyone else. A young boy, around the age of Nineteen, could be seen sitting alone with a smile on his face as he scrolled through his phone. 

This individual in particular had short blonde hair, and glasses that reflected in the sunlight the crept in through the window next to him to showcase his black and white suit. Unlike everyone else on the train, this boy was not Japanese. But seemingly from a foreign country, like America most likely. Such a thing was further pushed when the shimmer of a small American flag badge that was placed onto the edge of his suit collar could be seen. So anyone thinking this young white male was from out of the country, would be right.

Nevertheless, he seemed not one bit afraid, nervous, or sad in any way possible as he headed to his new job. Even with a baby crying loudly across from him, clearly annoying the majority of the people around him, the young boy still gladly smiled as he scrolled through his phone. With each scroll of his finger, his smile grew wider. Nothing could take him away from the blissful world he currently found himself in.

"Oh, this is a good one. And that one. This ones a keeper. How did they capture it so colourfully? Aw! So cool! I've gotta save these quickly."

Now, whilst on the outside this seemed innocent enough, upon looking at the phone screen of this young boy, who seemed barely old enough to be on his own, given his innocent and weak stature, you'd definitely get a few people who would start questioning what he was doing. Mostly because he was currently scrolling through photos recently updated by a Japanese Online Newspaper that told the story of how a Devil Hunter from Tokyo singlehandedly took down the Earth Worm Devil.

The Devil in question was on a rampage through Tokyo. Now, whilst Earth Worms in general weren't over the top and difficult to deal with, when they were 47 Meters tall, they tended to cause some trouble. But this didn't seem to be the problem for one Devil Hunter in particular, whose face was stationed all over this news article. It was when this boy, who scrolled through the aforementioned website, finally landed on a close up image of this devil hunter's face, did his eyes widened in glee. The Devil Hunter in question...Was none other than (Y/n) (L/n).

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