Chapter 15 'Eternity'

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[Hey everyone, Steve here...Sorry for the two-week delay. Lot of stuff happened. I didn't want to put out a chapter I wasn't happy with, plus, just yesterday as of writing this bit, my Dad died...Now, before anyone says take a break, yada yada yada. I'll say this here...If I wanted a break, I'd take one. And if I feel like a break, I'll take one. But right now, I want to write, because I feel that will help me most right now. So, yeah, just wanted to explain why I haven't updated the book since then. What's written below is what I previously had...]

[Alright, so last weeks chapter did a chapter 13, and debuted with a low vote count, at least for this story. And I probably put that up to the last chapter really not going anywhere. Nevertheless, chapter 13 made a comeback with votes, and I have faith the last chapter will grow with time as well. Even so, the last chapter, and this book in general, is doing amazing with gathering readers. With 1.3k in 24 hours, and that is definitely nothing to scoff at. So thank you all for that everyone, honestly, as of late, I sometimes get a bit thrown off with writing by a few people complaining about small things. Whether it be Makima not being Makima, or grammar soldiers (I understand you are trying to help...Still kinda annoying to get your mistakes pointed out is all lol). Nevertheless, I will stay strong and rectify mistakes to deliver the best possible Yandere Makima book I can possibly muster. So let's do that, shall we?]

[Warning: "This chapter is a little more on the darker side. Not by gore or anything. But I'll just say it'll involve you hating Takeru a whole lot more...]

[Your POV]

"How long is this hallway?"

"We must have walked a hundred meters by now?"

"Why is this even happening to us?"

"I knew we shouldn't have come to this stupid aquarium."

"I thought you guys were Devil Hunters, if a devil is causing all this...Kill it already!"

I've never really been a violent person in life, but right now...I was contemplating what exactly it'd be like to spend the night in a Japanese jail. Unfortunately, I feel like doing such a thing would lead to me having more struggles with my job, so I refrained from turning around to knock some sense in Takeru and instead remained quiet. The stubborn male currently positioned at the end of the group next to Kamino, the weather lady from TV, continued to rant as I looked around at the surrounding area. 

If Makima was right about this Eternity Devil being the cause for these endless hallways, I wish it would have been at a much more interesting location, like a shopping mall, or a theme park. Something fun to drive me further away from this boredom. Instead, I was forced to witness the same punch of fish through a glass wall for over several minutes now as we continued to search for a means of escape. As we did, Takeru's words continued to fill the air, meanwhile next to me, Makima rolled her eyes. Which I couldn't help but find cute in the moment.

(Y/n): "Man, I really hate the fact I let that guy get two punches on me now." [Turns to Makima] "You sure I can't punch him now?"

Makima: "If he keeps complaining...Sure."

However, my smile was quick to drop when I noticed the lack of any recognition other than the words from Makima. Not once did she glance my way, and honestly, I felt that. So, when things fell silent again, I couldn't help but grow a nervous look on my face. Eventually, I did gather the courage, however, to reach my hand out and take hers into my own. Something that surprised Makima momentarily, though she still kept her gaze focused straight ahead.

(Y/n): "Hey, I'm sorry if I upset you earlier. I-I don't want to make you mad or anything...I mean, I hope I didn't..."

A moment of emptiness surrounded us as Makima processed my words. With each passing morsel of time, an inch of fear grew inside me. Thankfully, I was soon released of such a feeling when Makima finally turned to face me. A soft smile prodded at her lips.

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