Chapter 25 'Spiral'

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[And so with this chapter we come pretty close to the halfway point of this second part of this story. The last chapter was a little slow, but sometimes we've gotta have those slow moments so when it really picks up, it's worth it. And I hope this chapter does exactly that. The last chapter laid the groundwork for what is to come. In this chapter, and plenty more. But with only about 11 chapters remaining of this story, more and more will be revealed with time. But as I always like to do with my books, what you may think happens, will be the exact opposite of what ends up happening. After all, why try and make a story that already has a clear ending? The response I got to the twist at the end of the first part of this story only sealed that idea for me even further. So, yeah, stick around for sure...But this is definitely one crazy story...and not just because we have a Yandere in it~]

[I hope you guys like 17K word chapters...Because that's what's on the menu today!!]

[3rd Person POV]

The faint voices of two particular people could be heard in the hallway just outside a lavish apartment room. The closer these two got, the louder their voices grew. It wasn't until the front door to this apartment opened, after the rattling insertion of a pair of keys, that the voices were revealed to belong to none other than (Y/n) and Makima. The young couple that they made up could be seen just getting home from a busy day at work. Well, technically they had already come home from work, but they almost instantly went to the bedroom due to Makima's need to have her '(Y/n) time'. 

Which was just sex. But, hey, it worked for her. It was after this special time with her (Y/n), however, that the need for food arose in the stomachs of the young couple. Which led them to this current moment, which simply marked the closing hours of a very busy day in general. Not only had Makima dealt with a lunch with two people she didn't like a lot, leading to her finally snapping and telling the whore of a woman to kill herself. But also her husband, and every other people she came across within the walls of a hospital she seemed to love so much. 

But she also had to deal with countless problems from Denji, the other new guy Makima couldn't remember the name of, and Power. They had done so much to ruin her time with (Y/n), and yet, (Y/n) was the exact one who was doing everything to try and make up for all their troubles. One such thing being the sudden surprise of offering to buy himself and Makima dinner from a noodle shop whilst on their way home. Makima loved the idea of (Y/n) buying food. Not because she didn't have money to do itself, but because she loved it when (Y/n) treated her like a precious treasure that needed to be protected at all costs. 

He took on the role of providing for her, and everything seemed great about it. Now, Makima did not need to be protected at any cost. But she loved the attention from (Y/n)...So it was worth it! All was truly great at the end of the day, especially now that they were home. However, upon entering their home, where they were greeted by the energetic lifeform that was their Husky, Daiki, only one person could be seen smiling. And that was (Y/n). The young boy offered a teasing grin towards his fiance, Makima, who currently offered him a set of narrowed gazes that showcased whatever he found funny...she did not.

Makima: "It is not funny, (Y/n)."

(Y/n): "I mean..." [Chuckles Lightly] "It is a little funny."

Makima: "How is it funny?"

(Y/n): "Well, I don't know... The fact my beautiful girlfriend was pressed up against me as close as she possibly could whilst staring daggers at the person serving us our dinner probably isn't very funny..."

Makima: "See! I was only being protective of you!"

(Y/n): "...The funny part comes where all that worrying was suddenly thrown down the drain when you realized the 'girl' serving us...was actually a sixteen-year-old boy."

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