Chapter 4 'Friday Night'

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[Before we start today, I just wanna give a special thanks to you all for checking out this book. It's done incredibly well, something I wasn't so sure of when I released the first chapter. But the continued presence of 900 normal reads is great! Votes are amazing! And the last chapter's comments were great! In saying that, I just wanna explain why I bring up things like that. Especially when it seems silly for a mere fanfiction.

One of the reasons is it helps me know whether or not I should put my time into writing a book. Because, yes, whilst having a few comments say they want it continued is great. The voting/consistent reads kinda cement how many people are really into it. Another thing is simply...You want to see your books succeed. You like having interactions with people in the comments. I love reading the comments on my books, makes me smile every time. And, honestly, there are some really funny people on here.

So, yeah, I just thought I'd explain that for you all so that hopefully you understand why I bring it up at the end of every chapter, and why I take a lot from hearing your guy's thoughts and suggestions. But with that being said, the last chapter, which was longer, was a big success. So depending on how I feel a chapter should go in length, you can definitely see more coming your way. And who knows...Maybe this will be one of them~]

[Your POV]

...February 1st. A week has passed since that night. And honestly, I still haven't gotten over it. I don't know why. It's ridiculous. I hardly knew Makima. Why was I so caught up on whether a person, a guy, was coming to visit her at a strange hour in the middle of the night? It's not like we're dating or anything. Was I just curious about a potential friend? Or did the fact of me calling Makima pretty somehow hint at something building up inside that I was fully aware of yet? I don't know. But it was a question that I continued to ponder to myself as the days went by. Slowly my hours at Public Safety built up. Every day I would get up at 7:30; have a shower, and walk to work. Once there, I'd do more walking. Patrols were rather boring. 

But at least I wasn't alone. Makima, like always, seemed to be fully invested in the job when working. Not many conversations were held. And in a way, after what I heard, I kinda liked it that way. Even so, I never once saw Makima smile at me again after we left the cafe. She wasn't rude by any means, and certainly held her politeness in ways that showed she wasn't angry or anything. But still... When everything was brought together, it felt off. So the relief I felt when Friday finally came around, I was beyond glad. For the next two days, I'd finally have some time to myself. I can walk around Japan, find some places I like, and have an overall good time without having to worry about work...or those in it. 

And right now, I was mere minutes away from having all of that behind. As the clock struck 8:30 P.M., I eagerly pushed open the door from the men's changing room and entered the silent hallway. It was weird seeing how empty this place got at night. But seeing as I had hours that worked a little bit later than others, it was rather nice being able to walk through this massive building by myself. It was quiet and allowed my mind to properly relax. A precursor to what I hoped to do that weekend. As soon as Makima and I returned to work, I quickly said my goodbyes as I dashed off into the changing room. 

I'm not entirely sure if Makima was still in the building. I lost sight of her when I went off on my own. For a moment, I considered waiting near the entrance and offering to accompany her home. After all, it wouldn't be out of my way. We lived in the same apartment building. Even so, as my mind thought over it, it made me question how the interaction would go. Would she be the silent type like she was when we worked? Or would she be more open, like at the Cafe? Then my mind started wondering, if we walked home together, would there be a chance that a man would be waiting for her? Leading me down a road of even more awkwardness? 

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