Part 3

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Both Taylor and Travis must have fallen asleep as they both awoke on the sofa, 3 episodes further into friends and to the sound of a little
Voice singing to herself. Taylor looked over the sofa and into the little toy room where she saw harper holding a Barbie on a fake stage and singing. She smiled a little and looked over at Travis who seemed completely comforted as to what day it even was.

It was almost 4pm and none of them had eaten any lunch. Taylor was one to take meals very seriously, everyone had to have 3 meals a day or she would begin to worry about the possibility of someone beginning to faint or become too hungry. Of course skipping a toddlers lunch wasn't exactly something she was proud of.

"Are we going out to eat?" She asked, stretching her arms a little and straightening out her back. Travis nodded, checking the time and realising how close their reservation was, being at 6:30 that did not give Taylor enough time to get herself and harper ready at all.

The next few hours were all a blur to the poor man, all it took was for him to shower, shave and throw on a shirt. Meanwhile Taylor spent hours on her hair and makeup while also chasing a toddler around trying to get her to shower and put on a dress. Eventually the battle was won, by Taylor of course, and they managed to make their way to the restaurant.

Harper hated the dress, of course she appreciated Taylor buying it for her but she didn't want to wear it at all, it was itchy and she didn't like how it felt on. She wasn't going to say any of this to Taylor as she didn't want to upset her and end up being returned so instead just put on a fake smile and walked into the restaurant holding both Taylor and Travis' hands.

Once the family had gone through a few drinks each, they began to order their food. Harper hadn't heard of most of the meals so allowed Taylor to choose for her. She heard a mention of Mac and cheese with chicken tenders which sounded nice so she was excited to see what would be placed in front of her.

Harper loved it with Taylor and Travis, she was enjoying herself more than ever however the later it got the more a familiar scent approached. Due to not driving Taylor and Travis were both able to have alcohol with their food, for Travis it was beers, an unfamiliar drink to harper. However Taylor had begun on the wine and had now moved onto bodka and coke. With the strong scent of the vodka being the main scent of her home and her abusive parents she couldn't help but feel uneasy when Taylor's breath smelt of it.

Taylor was only trying to cut up the chicken tenders for the toddler but for some reason she started backing away any time Taylor spoke. Of course she wasn't drunk whatsoever but due to the strong scent, it stuck quickly. Taylor didn't realise the distress this caused for the small girl and presumed she just didn't feel hungry. "Okay I'll leave you to it you don't have to eat it if you're not hungry or don't like it but it's there if you want it."

Harper ducked down and moved to the other side of the table before reaching for the food and her glass of apple juice. Taylor frowned, suddenly feeling offended by the toddler's actions but nodded and accepted it without questioning. She didn't want to upset the child so instead tucked into her chicken wrap. She noticed the small child wasn't even going near her food so began to worry.

"Harper, I need you to at least try your food please." Taylor told the toddler, putting some mac and cheese on the fork and holding it out to harper. The small girl looked at her terrified and began to start crying. People began to look and Taylor could feel all eyes on her. She looked over at Travis who was now trying to comfort the child.

No attempts worked.

"Come with me honey, let's calm down."
Taylor told her as she took Harper's hand and began to walk to the bathroom with her. The child began to scream and cry even louder, now thinking that Taylor was going to hurt her. "No hit!" She wailed while she tried to fight against Taylor's strength.

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