Part 9

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Taylor's POV:

The wait felt like it would never end at one point. I just wanted to hold my baby close and know she was okay. The doctor has told us that she needed her appendix out urgently but other than that we knew nothing. I saw her momentarily while they rushed her to the surgery room. She seemed calm but I just assumed that she was probably extremely tired and just confused.

I lay against Travis' side with my head leaning on his shoulder. His arm was draped around me, his hand laying lightly on my stomach. I could tell that he was asleep, every time I moved he began to stir but I was quick to tell him back to sleep and that I was fine. I just couldn't bring myself to relax, I wanted to be there with my daughter and see her when she woke up.

My mom had left a while ago, she tried to reassure me that Harper would be okay but I couldn't seem to believe ther. The poor girl had been through so much and she's gonna wake up to find that her stomach had been cut open and a whole part of her body had been removed. I must have been overthinking though when the doctor came out around 4 hours later with a huge smile on her face.

"Miss Swift, Mr Kelce? I am pleased to inform you that Harper has woken up. She is very eager to see her mommy." She smiled. Taylor felt a small grin grow on her face upon hearing the name that the small girl had given her. She understood that she could have just been mixed up when she awoke but either way she didn't care. It felt great to be classed as something so important to the girl.

Harpers POV:

I was begging for Tay Tay. I felt so much pain but I wanted to show her how brave I was and show her the huge owie that the doctors caused across my stomach. I may have called her "mommy" a few times again but I just hoped that she would forgive me because of the anesthetic I was on. It was making me loooooopyyyyy.

I giggled a little when I saw Tay Tay come in with makeup all over her face. She must have been crying about something. She looked really silly. I immediately jumped up to try hug her however as soon as my feet hit the ground I doubled over in lane and screamed extremely loud.

I felt Taylor's hand support under my arm before putting it around my waist to keep me upright. "Breathe through the pain sweetie mommy's got you."

I smiled.

Not just a small smile.

A big smile.

She's my mommy now!

Then I remembered the pain.

I began to cry and scream as I watched blood soak through the dressing that had been out over my tummy. Mommy said I must have popped some stitches. I didn't want that to happen. I think they're better when they are not popped.

I kept crying to a point where my heat went all dizzy, all the medicine I was on and my pain didn't mix well and I suddenly felt myself falling. I could feel someone catch me then I was lifted onto the bed and lay down. I continued to cry, everything was so blurry and I just wanted to have cuddles and no more pain.

I could feel Taylor brushing the hair out of my face before placing her hand on top of my head and the other taking mine in hers. I continued to sob while the doctors took off the dressing and began to stitch me back up. "Mama," I whimpered, feeling the needle and an overwhelming amount of pain.

She gently caressed the back of my hand before kissing the top of my head. "Shhh you're okay baby, mamas right here I'm not going anywhere." She told me. I actually believed her too, if my mean mommy would have said that I would never been able to believe it.

I continued to cry and eventually when the doctor left Tay Tay Tay on the edge of the bed by me. I couldn't move much but with how she sat I just managed to lean my head against her chest my hand gently gripping onto one of the fingers of her hand that was laying gently on my chest.

I hadn't noticed before but when I lay like this I could hear Taylor's heartbeat. It was relaxing and somehow helped me calm down. I didn't realize it but my tears and crying stopped. Now I was just lying there staring off into space and gently twisting the rings around her fingers on her right hand. I tilted my head to look up at her and smiled a little.

She seemed quite mad that I was so close but she was clearly tired and not happy that she wasn't in her hotel room asleep. Maybe I made her mad?

She didn't look at me, she was looking over at the door and she had a frown on her face. Maybe she was mad that i called her mommy or that I'm cuddling her. I decided I would stop.

"Tay Tay you can go." I whispered, moving away from her not wanting her to feel obliged to stay. "It okay I be okay alone." I explained.

She immediately shook her head and prevented me from moving anymore, gently guiding me back to how I was. "Stay with me baby I want you close to me in case anything happens. How about we have a little chat?" She asked.

Oh no I'm in trouble.

"Sorry for calling you mommy. Don't hurt me please." I begged as tears formed in my eyes. I felt her smooth out the back of my shirt before hugging me a little. "That's what I wanted to talk about. I don't want you to feel like you have to but if you would like to call me mommy then I would be more than happy to be your mommy. I could tell that it was stressing you out a little and I knew that you would hesitate about it when you weren't in a panicked state."


She wasn't mad, in fact it seems like she wanted me to call her that. I grinned a little and nodded as I curled up next to her, getting as close as I possibly could. "I want you as my mommy but I thought you was mad that I call you that."

Taylor chucked a little ans kissed my head. She didn't seem mad at all, maybe she just felt tired. Travis was already asleep in the corner of the room so I presumed it was very late. I just cuddled up more and allowed sleep to take over my body.

The next day I woke up in the hotel room, Tay tay was still asleep by me and Travis was watching the tv in bed. By watching I mean he was flicking through the channels trying to find something that he could understand and enjoy. He wasn't good at translating French.

He told me that Taylor had a long night and didn't get much sleep and that we should let her rest. I agreed and he slowly helped me sit up before helping me out of the bed. He kept close and reminded me to take slow and small steps because it would hurt and that he would help me if I start finding it hard. Eventually we made it to the living room area of the hotel. He asked if I wanted to help him order food. I love being the helper!

Taylor's POV

I woke up to someone banging on the hotel room door. I could faintly hear Travis speaking to someone before closing it and coming over to me in bed. "Hey food is here if you aren't too tired for breakfast. We got some croissants."

I smiled a little before sitting up. I would gladly wake up from some fine French breakfast any day. He plated everything up before bringing one over to me and passing one to harper who was relaxed on the couch. She looked like she was holding back so much pain, poor baby.

I felt awful knowing that i would have to leave her so soon to go to rehearsals. Travis normally comes and so does my mom but we agreed that she should come still but keep Harper entertained and fed and watered. She especially needed extra love, care and assistance now that she had undergone an operation less than 24 hours ago.

I had no idea that she would be discharged so soon, I could only guess that the French just howled faster than us sorry and. Either way it was still so soon after the operation that I couldn't risk leaving her to play by the stage while we practiced, she needed someone sat with her possibly even in a separate room of wires and hazards.

It was finally time to get back to work after a two month break and I just couldn't wait to show everyone the surprises that I had up my sleeve.

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