Part 4

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A/N a lot happens in this chapter and it's very hectic so I hope you like it. Also please feel free to message me at any point on here or Instagram I'd love to make new friends and talk about ideas for this story! My acc on Instagram is xswiftieworldx
Anyway enjoy!


The couple began to walk out into the crowd, Travis tightly holding Taylor's hand and standing slightly in front so that no one could get to Taylor without getting past him first. Taylor could feel the toddlers steady breaths against her neck, indicating that she was completely asleep and unbothered by the sound of the flashing.

Usually she would get to her car as soon as possible however this time she was defensive. "Hey look guys, I know you want a picture but right now she's asleep and I really don't want her to be woken. She's not feeling too well today and she's still settling in so all I ask is that you take a step back and leave us alone for today." She explained, completely lying.

As she wished they began to back away, of course the stubborn ones stuck around but she couldn't get everything she wanted. Taylor smiled and continued to make her way to the car, of course she had a few stumbles and struggled to keep herself behind Travis due to her drinking but it wasn't anything the paparazzi hadn't seen before. They reached the car and she gently buckled the small child into her car seat before sitting by her and holding her hand.

"Go you, you must have some sort of magic powers around paparazzi when you're drunk because they moved instantly just then." Travis smiled at his girlfriend who nodded a little. She gently stroked Harper's hair out of her face and put a blanket over her. Eventually she put her head down on Travis.

"I'm just a bit protective. They don't wanna mess with me." She told him and he began to laugh.

Once the family got home Taylor took harper to get into her pajamas and tucked her into bed while Travis got friends ready for Taylor to watch and a goss of wine for her too. She soon joined him on the sofa, watching her favorite show while cuddling with him and the cats too. She enjoyed night where she could do this and not have to worry about work or anything the next day.

Or at least she thought. It was only right before bed that she realized that she had an important zoom call the next day around afternoon/ evening time which happened to cross over with Travis training. This only meant that no one could properly be watching Harper for over an hour and it wouldn't even be her nap time either.

"Travis wait we can't go to sleep yet! I have a zoom call tomorrow and you'll be at training. Who's gonna watch harper?" She asked, now stressing. Travis knew that this meant if it wasn't discussed that Taylor wouldn't sleep all night and make herself drained for the next day so he smiled and lay down by her. "You can do it, she's a good kid and she'll play in her playroom for an hour then. I'll be home because we train in the afternoons now. Then if I'm not back u don't see you being on there for too long so it will all be fine she'll play or something."

Taylor just nodded and cuddled up to him. "I mean it Tay, don't stress you need sleep." He told his stubborn girlfriend who just sighed extremely loud and closed her eyes.

Timeskip: The next day

Taylor walked into Harper's room to wake her up and begin to get her ready. The night had gone a lot smoother than her first night and Taylor could tell that Harper had been exhausted at the restaurant so she wasn't too surprised about this.

What did surprise Taylor was that the 2 year old was sitting in the middle of the floor awake and talking to herself. She clearly looked tired and a little bit sad too. Taylor made her way over and gently placed her hand on the girls back as she didn't want to startle the poor child before sitting beside her.

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