chapter 17

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            I couldn’t think of anything. My mind was blank. I felt nothing. No, I did feel something. I felt like I was floating. Like I was in the skies just floating and feeling like I had no worries. It felt like I was free, for once in my life.

            Sadly, that didn’t last long as I could feel myself start to become hotter and hotter. I was burning up to the point where it felt like I was being set on fire. The intensity of the fire became worse and worse. I couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. As much as I wanted to cry out, my mouth wouldn’t even move. My voice would not make a sound. I couldn’t even whimper or groan. The heat was becoming unbearable until I felt something cold touch my forehead. I couldn’t open my eyes but I knew it was a hand. Then the hand left and I really did whimper this time. Quickly, something cold returned to my forehead. I don’t know what it was but it was soothing.

            My senses started to come back and I realized I was in a bed. I don’t know whose or where but it was comfortable. I try to open my eyes but fail. I then attempt to speak and my mouth opens but nothing comes out at first. Then I finally get a sound out.

            “Wha-?” I couldn’t finish as my throat was so dry.

            I hear movement as someone touches my hand. I try to open my eyes again and finally, they do. At first the light blinds me but then my eyes start to adjust. I look around and see that I’m in my bedroom. Then I notice whose holding my hand. Tristan. He gives me a worried look. I look past him to see that Gale is also in here. He’s sitting at the end of the bed in a chair, watching me intently. I try to speak again but start coughing violently. Tristan quickly puts me in a sitting position after taking what was on my forehead off and lightly pats my back. After I finish, he hands me some water. I take it right away and drink down the cool water. I finish the drink in seconds and hand the empty cup back to Tristan. He sets it down and looks back at me. I try speaking again.

            “What happened?” I ask hoarsely.

            Tristan grimaces at my voice but gives me a soft smile.

            “You fainted. You’ve been out for a few days and have had a high fever.” Tristan looks down. “We think it’s due to all the stress you’ve had for the past few weeks.”

            That makes sense. I didn’t realize so much happened in the time span of two months. I squeeze Tristan’s hand and he looks up and I give him a reassuring smile. He smiles back but it seems forced.

            “So what happened after I fainted?” I ask.

            This time Gale answered.

            “After our training, you seemed to be swaying and all of a sudden you fainted. I caught you and took you to your room. Everyone was really worried. We called a doctor and he just said you had a high fever due to stress. You’ve been out since.” Gale says.

            “What day is it?” I ask frantically.

            “Wednesday.” Tristan says regretfully.

            I groan as I lay back down.

            “I was out for 3 days? I wasted so much time being sick and couldn’t even spend time with Cassy.” I say sadly.

Thinking about Cassy, I sit back up quickly, only to feel dizzy. Tristan pushes me back down before I can do any worse damage.

“The princess must rest. Do I need to kiss you to make you better?” He asks.

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