chapter 21

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            “For the next two weeks, I’m going to train you. I’m going to push you to your limits and then some. I won’t let up and you all know why. I’m set on keeping you all alive so you must do exactly everything I tell you to do. Do you understand?” I say.

            All the men nod or answer a simple yes. I nod my head approvingly. We’re all on an airplane that’s taking us to Sobreviver Island. We only have a month so I need to work quickly. We left right away.

            One of the men in the back raises his hand.

            “Yes Davis?”

            “You said ‘for the next two weeks.’ What about the other two weeks?” He asks.

            “The last two weeks will be a survival test. I’m going to split all of you into groups and spread you throughout the island. Each group is going to work together and defeat the other groups. You will get paint guns and only a short supply of food. After that, you have to fend for yourself and your teammates. You have to find your own shelter. You have to survive and you have to defend yourself.” I say.

            The men’s faces become pale. A few start talking back before I put my hand up to silence them. They quickly close their mouths.

            “I know it’s going to be very difficult but it’s the only way for me to see if you can survive this mission. I’m doing this for you, not just to torture you. So please bear with it and just try your best. Also, don’t leave a teammate behind. This is also to strengthen our teamwork.”

            “Will you be participating in the survival test?” A soldier yells from the back.

            “No I will not. I’m going to watch over all of you using the cameras that are spread all over the island. I will not help you either. Actually, I’m going to be throwing things in your way and see how you handle them. Besides that, I’m just watching to see how my training will help you men in the end. It will help you all immensely but I don’t know if it will be enough for the mission. But it’s the only chance we have so we have to do our best.” I say.

            Only a few men nod while the rest just stay silent and have a dark gloom on their faces. This has to work. It just has to.


            Once the plane lands, I have the men pick their beds and then we got started. I had the men do a 1v1 against each other. I wanted to see where their strengths and weaknesses were. I also paired the strongest with the weakest. It’s the only way to see how they truly do with teamwork.

            The first day only consisted of 1v1 battles. The rest of the day, I let the men survey the island. They need to be cautious and understand why this island is called Sobreviver in the first place. The island is like a jungle. The climate is very humid and there are cliffs throughout the place. The laboratory is underground and can do many things, including changing the weather. I’ll be there for the whole two weeks, watching for progress. There are also some wild animals. Nothing too bad until I put in the obstacles.

            The first night was brutal, many men couldn’t sleep. I had to change their diet too. They need as much nutrients as possible. If they thought army food was bad, they’re going to hate the food I have planned for them. They’ll all probably despise me by the end of this month but if that’s the price I have to pay, I’ll gladly take it. Unfortunately, General Dalch and his little second-in-command decided to tag along. I couldn’t really say no. I just hope they don’t get in my way. Wishful thinking.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2014 ⏰

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