chapter 5

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So if you thought that the last chapter was graphic then you will think this one is even worse. Sorry for the detailed descriptions. I got into it a little too much lol. Well anyways, it's not edited and enjoy!


            “Is everyone here?”

            I look around and see everyone except Brock. I turn back to Officer Russell and nod. He starts the meeting.

            “So, what we found was not the blue prints but something else. Since Brock is still unconscious and recovering, we don’t know what they talked about in that meeting.” Officer Russell turns to me. “Thankfully, though, Anna found some information on the enemies’ next attack.”

            “It seems the enemy is going to attack the village not so far from this camp. They seem to be looking for someone in that village. We don’t know who, so we need to protect the whole village. It seems the person they are looking for, can help them greatly. We need to get this person on our side.” Officer Russell says.

            He turns to me.

            “Since Brock is still recovering and doesn’t seem to be waking up any time soon, you’re going to substitute being the leader.” He says to me.

            “What? I can’t lead this group.” I point to Tristan. “Have him do it. Or Alex. I don’t think Jacks is ready but don’t make me the leader. I haven’t even been here for a week.” I say.

            “True but you show the most leadership. These men already respect you.” Officer Russell turns to them. “Am I right?”

            They all nod. He turns back to me and smiles.


            “No buts. You calmed everyone down on the last mission. You stayed calm yourself and took the best action you could. You put the mission first but still fought to save your comrades. You will be a great leader.” He says matter-of-factly.

            “Whatever.” I cross my arms and look away from him, a little embarrassed at what he said.

            Officer Russell turns to everyone.

            “So, the army will move to the village and guard it. We will use any precautions we have to. During the battle, you guys will sneak pass the enemy and take the general hostage. There will be two generals there. The enemy only has 4 Generals in total and then someone who leads them. Each general has their own department and army. The two generals that will be there are the ones who are good with strategies and the other one who has the most advanced weapons. We need the one who is head of the weapons one. Since we couldn’t get the document on the newest weapons, we will use him to tell us. You must complete this mission. You have to take him hostage, or at least get the information you need and kill him. Either way, don’t let him get back to the enemy.” Officer Russell says.

            “Do you all understand? This battle will take place in a week. Start preparing now.” He says.

            We all nod and begin to prepare for the plan. Failure is not an option for this mission. Everything needs to go smoothly this time. We will get this information, no matter what.


1 week later…

            “Everyone ready?” Alex asks in the ear piece.

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