chapter 19

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            I’m not going to lie, it was actually kind of nice to be back in camp. I missed the action. Missed the work and documents. Missed my boys. Of course I would never tell them that. All of them already have such big egos. How have I gotten the most obnoxious troops in the whole army?

            I was back in my office, looking over at some interesting files, when a knock came. I called them in and was surprised to see General Carter. He was a tough guy. He’s very much built and always has a serious or angry face. He always wants to charge everything and use muscle instead of brains. We don’t really get along.

            “Yes General Carter?” I say.

            “Meeting.” He says then leaves.

            “Nice talking to you too.” I say to myself.

            I head to the meeting room. I pass some of my men and greet them all. Once I walk into the meeting room, I realize I’m the last to arrive. Everyone is sitting around a long table and I take my seat. I look around and notice two men I’ve never seen before. Both men smile at me but one of them seems to be more smirking than smiling. I studied them both. One of them seems to hold authority. He’s clean shaven with his hair slicked back and big glasses on his face. I look at the other one that was smirking at me. His eyes are strangely dark, almost black. But what you really notice is the big scar on his cheek. It must have been a knife wound. As I’m studying them, General Lake gets up and starts the meeting.

            “Now that everyone’s here. I have some important things to discuss with all of you.” General Lake looks at the two newcomers. “As you can see, we have some people here who you all haven’t met yet. This is General Demetri Dalch,” he points to the man with glasses. “And his second in command Robert Palinski.” He points to the one with the scar. “They’re the ones from Russia who have been helping us recently. We have formed an alliance and their going to be staying here to see how we operate and try to help us with our strategies.” He says.

            General Dalch smiles at everyone. “It’s a pleasure to meet all of you.” He then looks right at me. “Especially you General Berndt.”

            “Oh, thank you.” I say shyly.

            I’m not very good with compliments. General Dalch chuckles at my reaction but continues.

            “You really are something. First woman to be in the army AND becoming a General. I always wondered when this day would come. And now, because of you, we have turned this war around. I’m glad to have met the famous Annalisa Berndt.” He says sincerely.

            I look at him confusingly. “What do you mean ‘turned this war around?’”

            “Oh you don’t know?” General Dalch looks at General Lake. “You haven’t told her yet?” He asks.

            “Told me what?”

            “Well I was going to get to that but then General Dalch here, decided to just start talking nonstop.” General Lake says.

            “Sorry, I just get excited when I see such an interesting specimen.” General Dalch looks at me.

            Specimen? Oh don’t tell me he’s some kind of crazy scientist and wants to do experiments on me? I probably shouldn’t tell him about my bizarre bloodlust.

            “Anyways, what were you going to tell me?” I ask.

            General Lake looks at me proudly. “Apparently, that little battle in your town, has made you an idol.”

Miss GeneralTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon