chapter 8

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So sorry that it's been a while. School has been busy but now I'm on winter break and will be updating a lot for the next few weeks. Also, sorry that this chapter isn't that exciting. I just needed to get it out of the way so I could put my next chapter into action. This is not edited. Enjoy!





            I groan as I open my eyes to see Kelsey sadly smiling down at me. I get up and she sits down next to me.

            “What?” I ask.

            “We have to go now.” She says.

            I look at my watch and frown. It’s almost about time. I look out into the green field. The sun is starting to go down. Won’t be long till it gets dark. I look back at Kelsey and give her a reassuring smile. I get up and she follows. We start to walk to the cemetery. Kelsey grabs my hand and I squeeze it.

            “I don’t want to go.” She whispers.

            “Me too.” I whisper back to her.

            She looks up and I see sadness in her eyes. She shouldn’t have to go through this. She was supposed to have a normal life. She shouldn’t have made friends with any of the people in the company. We all die eventually. There’s no point in getting close.

            “I’m going to miss him.” She says.

            “I know, me too. He was a good friend.” I say.

            She smiles and I see her replaying all the good memories they all had together. I see the cemetery come into view and I tighten my hold on Kelsey’s hand. I stop and kneel down to look at Kelsey. She stops too and waits patiently for me to talk.

            “Kelsey, no matter what happens, I will always keep you safe. I will make sure something like this will never happen with you. I’m going to make sure you live a normal life and will grow old and die peacefully in your sleep. Do you believe me?” I say.

            “Yes, I believe you.” She says softly and looks down.

            I hug her close to me and she clings to me tightly.

            “I will always protect you. I will never let anything hurt you. I promise.” I say.

            She cries softly and clings to me even tighter. I soothe her as I pick her up and walk over to where they will bury our friend. People come and go and there’s nothing I can do about it. But I will protect my little sister. No matter what the cost is. I can’t break that promise.


            I slowly open my eyes and I feel something wet on my cheeks. I open my eyes more and realize I’m in a bed. I look around and see I’m in the infirmary. I get up slightly and I start to feel dizzy and nauseous. I put my hand to my head and memories of the dream come back to me. I feel the tears start to fall and I cover my face with my hands. I don’t know how long I was crying but the next thing I feel is a hand on my back, soothing me. I stop immediately and look up to see Brock looking at me with sympathy in his eyes. I try to move away but then he hugs me. I try to get out of his grip but he won’t let go. I then give in and start to sob into his chest. He doesn’t say anything. He just holds me and rubs my back. After what seems like hours, I finally let go of him and look up into his eyes. He stares back at me.

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