The Mind

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Prompt: Start your story with this sentence: The human mind is truly the scariest thing of all.

The human mind is truly the scariest thing of all. And you should know this first hand. For you are living in one.

There is no such thing as reality, as everything you live and experience, is actually just a figment of someone else's imagination.

Every time you ever felt love, or happiness, or content, that was someone's mind, making it all up for you, whether they meant to or not. And every time you ever felt pain, or suffering, that was also someone's mind causing it either with or without even realizing it.

You see, nothing really exists. For the person who's mind you are living in, is also living in the mind of someone else, and so on. It's all just an infinite loop. There is no beginning nor end to this chain. 

But certain beings can break out of this chain. Beings that were never intended to exist. Like the monsters under your bed or in your closet as a child? Of course they existed! But they have no place in the reality they were created in. So once they serve their purpose, they leave the reality. They become the infinite, ever-growing emptiness which is space. They fight for power, and become your nightmares. And all of this is because someone started thinking.

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