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(Write a poem starting with, "I wanted you to know something about me")

I wanted you to know

Something about me

About how twisted

My mind is

I used to live

In a "bad" neighborhood

Parents apart

But of course

I never knew any different

I thought it was cool

Having two of every holiday

Having so much diversity

In each household

Then my dad moved

To a completely different neighborhood

Taking me and my brother

With him

He didn't ask

My mom

Forced her to move closer

And I thought that was ok

I was taught by both parents

To keep secrets

From the other one

Taught to lie for

The sake of those secrets

Taught to be the parent

Of my younger brother because

Neither thought the other was fit

Looking back

I know that I'm not the parent

I don't lie if I don't have to

And I know that I don't have

To pick sides

I don't have to be like

One parent or the other

I'm me

I'm my own person

They both have to get over that

Do you see how

Sometimes I'm forced

To take sides

Just so I'm not in trouble?

That's why I'm so twisted

And torn

And better than they'll ever

Dream to be

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