A Time To Believe

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(This is a golden shovel poem, and I lost the link to the original sorry)

I have wondered what it's like to

stare at the sky and see enough stars to believe

the universe is the kind and beautiful place it is.

Have you ever seen enough wonders to

believe that what you think you saw, is what you know

That the shapes in the darkness are the

Spirits of the past coming to marvel at the value

of the achievements we made of

hard Work and the work of others share a

significant bond. Who's nurturing

and delicate personality, interpreted in many ways is the heart

of all that we believe in. The center of this is the

way that people see things. While some see ignorance, others see innocence.

It is the way of the human which of

many personalities and point of views show others a

new world in which they never dreamed of but in a child's

nightmares, lie the truth that many seek. Why do the eyes

of the rich only see what they want to see and

the less fortunate are never provided with the

information that they need? But that's just the beauty

of how man twists things to the way they prefer, whether they be of

good intentions or not, that's an

Opinion for others to decide on. Always aging

With the centuries, shifting and destroying the nurturing hand,

the hand that helped guide us towards our potential is now used For

whatever means the Spirits see fit. They live inside us, forever controlling It

as though it's an idea made to be manipulated, but it really is

fragile as spun glass, already cracked all the way through.

But that's the beauty of belief. With their

powers, we have created many new teachings

Better ways of understanding the strange. Although we

still have a lot to learn

Maybe, just maybe, we can re-establish the things once used to

establish and create the wonderful thing known as love  

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