chapter 1

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So this is my newest idea. Hope you enjoy and sorry for all the errors. I haven't edited it yet. Enjoy!

“Don’t let go of my hand!” I yell behind me.

            I squeeze the little hand that is in mine. I start to run faster and drag the little person with me.

            “I can’t run anymore,” the little girl yells.

            I turn around and pick her up. I start to run with her in my arms.

            “We’re almost there! Just a little bit further,” I yell.

            I start to see a barn and thank God that I’m almost there. Explosions start to go off behind me but I don’t look back. I can’t look back. I must keep going. The little girl in my arms starts to sob, which just makes me run faster. I have to protect her. I think back to how I got her and my heart jolts a little. I was running like everyone else when I saw a little girl trying to lift a wall off of her parents. She resembled my little sister so I ran over to help her. Sadly, the wall was too heavy. The mother was already unconscious and most likely dead but the dad was just barely conscious. He looked up at me and gave me such desperate eyes. And he said,

            “Please, protect my little girl.” And he died.

            She started to scream for her parents to wake up but then I pulled her away and we started running. Everyone else was ahead of us. The battle behind us is coming closer each second and I knew I had to hurry. I kept running until I finally reached the barn doors. Right when I went in, the other people in there shut the doors. Thank God! We made it.

            I go to the end of the barn and sit down. I have the little girl sit in-between my legs and try to soothe her as she cries. She wasn’t the only one though. I look around the barn and see almost the whole town here. Almost everyone was crying. They were crying for the loss of loved ones or their homes being destroyed or just crying, hoping to survive the day.

            After many hours, the battle outside starts to quiet down. I look down to see the little girl sleeping. I move some hair out of her face. I smile. She really does resemble Kelsey. She starts to stir and I lift my hand away from her face. She opens her eyes slightly and looks up at me.

            “Mommy?” She asks.

            I freeze. What do I do? Do I pretend? Or do I tell her about her parents?

            “Oh that’s right,” She looks down. “Mommy and Daddy are gone.”

            I hug her. She was starting to cry and instinct just took over.

            “Shhh, It’s going to be ok. I will stay with you. I will protect you.” I say.

            She starts to calm down and we break our hug. She looks at me and gives me a little smile.

            “Are you my new sister?” She asks.

            “Sure.” I say.

            “And will you stay with me forever?” She asks.

            I don’t even hesitate, “Of course.”

            Her little smile grows in to a big grin. She closes her eyes again and rest her head on my lap.

            “Good,” she said before she fell asleep.

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