6 - Another day Another dollar

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Kiona's POV

+not edited

I lean against the door after kicking him out. Having people wanting to kill me for literally no reason is so great! I'm starting to get more paranoid.

I look down at my dogs filling up their bowls one by one and getting each of them fresh water.

I thank my father for teaching me how to shoot, who would've guessed that it may come in handy. By now it was 6pm and I've never been more exhausted. I had to walk my children though. For an hour I walked them and ran with them. They kept me in shape, or at least made me exercise.

What Jackson didn't know is that I keep a gun in my car. Even before him telling me that people were watching me, it was in the lockbox in my car. Now it just gave me another reason to have it.

After getting back home and locking my apartment and closing the curtains it gave me time to think. I'd probably never tell it to his face, but he was fine as hell. If I did I probably wouldn't hear the end of it.

I took a shower doing all the necessities before going to bed.


Waking up early, walking my kids, just to go to class was tiring. After walking them I take another shower, putting on some ripped jeans and and a plain black hoodie with whatever color shoes happened to be by the front door. I grab my bookbag and my keys heading out.

"What the fu— who the hell are you?" I question as two men stand outside of my apartment. Both were dressed in all black. They didn't really scare me, they were like my age until I recognize Luca. The other guy's skin was a light brown and was really muscular.

"Oh nah. Nope." I lock my apartment and begin walking to my car.

"Kiona," Luca starts following me and so does the other one. "Jackson wants us to drive you to school and to work."

"Tell Jackson to fuck off." I say getting in my car starting it up. My phone starts ringing and seeing the name flash across made me even more irritated.


Since when did I have his contact info. I decline it only for it to ring again, and again, and again. On the fourth call I pick up putting it on speaker.


"Babydoll, why are you being so difficult to work with?" He asks sighing. "You told me to keep you alive... at least til you graduate so that's what I'm doing." He says.

"I didn't ask to be dragged into this Jackson and so now I have to watch my back even more now? The hell."

"And that's why I'm protecting you, there will be some of my men around campus with you as well as work."

"Did you forget that my work place got shot up?" I say getting ready to hang up. They had to fix a lot of lights and windows.

"Oh... yea it did didn't it huh? Well—" He starts out but I let out a string of curse words.

I look to the left of me to see someone trying to run me off the highway. They keep gradually swerving into me and my old Jeep was not all that anymore. I think to myself saying that this has to be some more of Jackson's shit.

Luca and that other guy had been following me, so where the hell they at now?

"Jackson." I say calmly but I really wanted to snap. "Someone's trying to run me off the road and if I die, it's on you." I say cutting the call trying to focus. Using one hand to steer, I dig into the box where my gun was. Please let my aim be like it used to.

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