Bonus #2

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Kionas POV

+ not edited

"Jackson Scott, I'm going to kill you before you kill us." I say referring to me and the twins in my belly. He thought it was a good idea to blindfold me and put me into the car. My anxiety peaked here.

"We're here mama, calm down. You'll like it." He said, and I felt his hand take in mine.

"I might like it but you get points taken off for that. I had to be blind folded and still am! You're stressing a pregnant lady out." The car stops and I'm left in silence. My car door opens and an arm reaches across me to unbuckle me.

"I'm taking this shit off, it's hot as a motherfucker! Mama's sweating!" I exclaim, wiping my forehead.

"Oh shit, what's this?" I finally open my eyes, and stare at the structure in front of me.

"Our home." Jackson cheekily winks.

"You bought us a house?

"Yea...?" He says unsure of himself now. I chuckled, I slightly scared him.

"I fucking love you."

"You can't be doing that, you scared me. You did that voice, that tells me you're mad and you did the glare." He said playing with his fingers.

"Let's go!" I struggled to get out of the car. He rushed over quickly and helped me out. He opened the front doors with the key, quickly explaining.

"Ok, before we move in, I'm having these locks, upped to my level of security, installing a security system and more means of safety for us." He explained and I nodded.

"It's so modern, look at the kitchen!" I exclaimed walking all over the first floor. We explored every aspect of the house, going over everything before my legs got tired and I got hungry.

"I want some cold stone."

"You've had cold stone for the past three weeks," Jackson looks at me, leading my down the front steps.

"Ok and?" I fold my arms awkwardly over my bump, pouting.

"Sorry, whatever the queen wants, the queen shall get." He says getting his car keys from his pocket. He helps me into the car.

"3 months left!" I smile even though my back pain was at level 100. He grabs my hand kissing it, and lets it rest in my lap.

"You know I love you right?" He asks.

"Yes daddy," I say playfully and he stares at me.

"You're tempting me! Stop." He glares. "Wait, who's shirt is that?" He says with his eyebrows furrowed. His lips curled down, meaning that he was kinda mad.

"Uh first of all, mine, ugly. My big ass and your clothes don't correlate anymore. Soo, if you wanna go out and buy some 3x shirts, wear them and give them to me, I'm all for it."

"You don't even wear 3x?" He says as a question.

"I sure don't but it's comfortable."

"Uh-ok." He says not questioning me further.

"Wow, you didn't even ask if I wanted to spray your cologne on it." I roll my eyes and he opens his mouth to speak.

"Would you like my cologne babydoll?"

"Uh no, it's too late."

"Then why'd—"

"It's too late! Shut up, and drive." I instructed and he chuckled lightly. He smacked his lips when I took my hand out of his playfully.

"Smack your lips again." I say and he laughs obnoxiously.

"Jeez ok. Ki, I don't know what accent just came out of you, your Chicago or New Orleans." Jackson says making us both laugh.

"All of the above." I smirk.


No cuz 😭 tell me why I got locked out of my account since Friday and I cried lmaooo. It was real weird, you would've thought that I could just reset my password right? But I ain't get no wattpad emails! And I knew that my email was right. After a series of emails I got it back woo! Anyways I'm back :)

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