28 - Backstory *

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Kiona's POV [Tuesday]
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Warning: Mature Content

Classes were over and all I had to do was study for finals which were tomorrow and graduation was Thursday.

My shin was still hurting like hell so I literally crawled to make it easier. Crutches were tiring as hell and I didn't want to use them. I still went to work with Jackson because I had nothing else to do and plus extra money wouldn't hurt. I actually used my crutches there and when people asked I'd just say it's a sprain.

Like the usual I typed some emails, filed some paper work, and for the first time we actually started designing a type of software for his company. The first time I actually had fun at work. Everyone that was apart of designing this software took a lunch break, but I stayed back. I decided to calculate some things to make it run smoother.

"You're not going to eat babydoll?" The door opens and I immediately look up. I shake my head no and he takes a seat next to me propping his feet up. I glance at him like pushing them of the table.

"You just— so you're gonna act like you didn't see that stack of papers." I say rolling my eyes then going back to writing things down.

"Yup." He says popping the 'p'. "How's your shin?" He asks.

"You almost got me killed."

"But I didn't. And you were nowhere close to dying."

"Yes I was but anyway, I'm still in pain. And I have to walk across the stage in two fucking days. And, these people act like they don't know what the hell they're doing." I say referring to the people who left for lunch.

"Babydoll, you're just too advanced for all of them and how about we go home right now so you don't keep putting weight on it. I know you're not using those crutches." He says sternly.

"Yea cause they're tiring as fuck and no because we just started this software and it's not going to get done anytime soon Taylors."

"We're going home." He says getting up. "Come on Kiona." He urges taking my bookbag. "Don't be stubborn now."

"I'm not being stubborn."

"Yes you are now let's go."

30 minutes later and we were in the car. 45 minutes later we were back at the house. "Why y'all home so early?" Adrian walks to the front door.

"Because Kiona needs to stay off her shin." Jackson's eyes burn into the side of my head.

"No not really, I was going to stay to finish this software." I say crossing my arms. "Why aren't you at work?"

"Because I'd rather work from home today." He simply replies then leaves. I crawl up the stairs and to my room to study some more and do some practice problems.

"What can I do to make you feel better?" Jackson comes in the room. "I don't like seeing you in pain, stubborn ass." His lips curl into a smile at the name he called me.

"Nothing." I mumble.

"Babydoll, come on now, you hungry or horny?" He questions and my eyes go wide.

"Neither." I say even though just by looking at him in comfortable clothes turned me on. His voice also seemed to get sexier somehow. I got turned on so easily, it was ridiculous.

"That's a lie, you wanna eat or get ate?" I glare at him again but he only laughs. He licks his lips and shit. I cross my legs and grab my calculator.

Babydoll (BWWM)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang