29 - Graduation

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Kiona's POV

+ not edited

"Yes mom! I'm graduating today!" I say excitedly through the phone.

"Hold on imma hang up and FaceTime you back." She says and I hear buttons click.

Shortly after I get a FaceTime call.
"Everybody, Kiona's graduating today!" She says and everyone in the house shouts excitedly.

"I wish we could be there, but your graduation date is weird, like why's it in the middle of March?"

"It's fine, I understand but I'll see y'all soon." I say flipping the camera to show them my cap and gown for the occasion.

"What shoes Kiona Rae?" My mom asks sternly. She knew me too well.

"It's fine I have boots on, not tennis shoes." I reply giving her a sarcastic smile.

"I say she can wear whatever the hell she wants." My stepdad's booming voice comes over the phone.

"Shut up don't encourage her." My momma says smiling in the camera. Big ass heads run in the family.

"Anyway, I'm going to the auditorium soon, I have to be there early." I say. I shouldn't have done that well in college. They wanted me to speak for my major and all that shit. I didn't have anything nice to say, it was pure hell, late nights, lots of skipping breakfast and naps to get though this shit. But yea I'll make something up.

"Wait," sister says. "Who's bathroom is that, that don't look like your apartment." Kiera asks. Shut the hell up nosy ass.

"It's Ziya's, nosy ass." I lie and she smacks her lips.

"Okayyy..." she drags out narrowing her eyes handing the phone back to my mom. I say my goodbyes and as soon as I hang up Jackson's comes in throwing me over his shoulder.

"Aren't you excited?" He asks placing me back down.

"You scared the shit out of me." I say being dramatic holding my hand over my heart. "What is my wig fell off?"

"That's a wig?"

"I know right! Fire lace front." I say and he furrows his eyebrows. "Anyway white boy let's go." I say pulling him by his tie.

"If we didn't have somewhere to be, I would've taken this sexually, because you pulling me by my tie is kinda sexy." He says following me down the stairs.

"Everything's sexual to you."

"No, you do everything sexually." He counters and I roll my eyes. I pull up my knee high boots trying not to break my nails, I would've been pissed.

"I only have two extra tickets. Why are y'all all dressed up?" I say watching as Liam, Luca, and Adrian walk out in dressy clothes. Wow didn't know it did that.

"Cuz it's me and I get what I want." Jackson says twirling his keys. I make a face walking out to the garage.

"Hmm what car for the special occasion?" He ponders dramatically.

"Y'all are going to draw so much attention." I say watching as the three stooges all run to their super cars.

"Let's get in the blue McLaren." He says opening the door for me. These cars are unbelievably low to the ground so I hated getting in and out of them.

"You literally picked the brightest car." I glare at him as he starts the car.

"You wanna get in the neon green lambo?" He asks and I quickly shake my head no. He chuckles pulling out of the garage as someone closes it for him. My eyes go wide seeing the that the three stooges have bright color cars as well. Oh my. We were being followed by purple, green, and orange, all of them were Lamborghinis. So I guess black and white aren't popular colors anymore orrr?

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