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Lucas's POV

Once he saw I was looking at me he look out a slight coo(?) and another one of those gravely gurgles before showing me his hands.

My belly rumbles at the sight if the same neon blue avocado thing I had for dinner the night before.

I hesitate to take it from his hands though.... what if it was a prank? What if he was just going to rip it away from me as I went to reach for it like my brother did? What if-

A sudden weight on my blanket cover lap has me looking down at the fruit he had placed there for me.

With out a second thought I quickly grabbed it and positioned my body in a way that he couldn't take it from me without giving me a few seconds to finish it before he could get it.

It didn't take me long to finish it, ignoring the the mess I had mede with the juices and the slight heart burn from eating so fast I carefully turn back to the Alien, who's lap I was currently occupying, keeping my head tuned down towards the floor knowing that was very rude of me.

Said Alien only made that strange but comforting noise again before offering me a cup of what look like orange juice, but something in my gut told me not to get my hopes up. I casually took the bigger than normal cup out of his hands, making sure to use both of mine.

I then brought it up to my nose and taking a slight sniff of the liquid. The creature made a weird noise that vibrated though his chest and against my back, making me get the feeling that he was laughing at me.

With a slight humph I bring the cup towards my lips and taking a swig of the unidentified liquid.

I immediately gaged and the liquid turned out to be thick, warm and goopy, definitely not the orange juice I was hoping for.

Slowing down with my gulps I down the rest of the uncomfortably warm and slightly bitter thick goop before handing the cup back the the alien with a slight grimes on my lips.

The noise the alien made vibrated through my again, letting me know he found me amusing.

Looking down at my now sticky hands mainly from the liquid that was in the fruit.

Just as I was about to give in a start licking my hands, Mr Alien took my hands into his large bony hand and pouring some kind of clear substance, one that kind of look like gel, onto our hands before rubbing it into mine.

My eyes widen as the same tingly numb feeling started happening to my hands as it did to me when I went to the bathroom.

It didn't take long, a couple of second maybe, before the strange substance was gone, dried into my skin?

Taking my hands back I gently rubbed them together loving that they didn't feel sticky anymore before I gently rubbed them against my face, feeling how soft they had gotten.

They slight huffing, vibrating against my back made me blush before I turned around and glare at him.

He big black peal like eyes seemed to start into my eyes before a slight gurgling noise made us both, mostly me, whip our heads around to the other alien number two, who was now standing at the door way talking with the one holding me hostage in his lap.

I take a moment to look at the aliens, to try and find some differences between them.

The closer I look the harder it is to see any differences.

I mean, they are the same height, same, weight, same skin colour, same black eyes- same everything.

The only difference is that one of the carries around a sack filled with food.

Everything suddenly spins and the food I just ate threatens to come back up again as the alien I was sitting on decides to stand up, taking me with him.

Mr Alien number one says something to the other alien making him nod before they both turn their attention on me, making my think into myself again.

The creature holding me lets out a strange cooing noise before holding me against him and rubbing my hair.

I was slightly confused from the attention until he sets me and my blankets back down into the nest and with one last head rub he was up, taking his sack and things with him, leaving with the other alien without another word.

Leaving me alone with my thoughts again.



A couple of hours later I was awakened by the whooshing noise of my cells door opening.

Ignoring the way my heart rate starts to pick up I sit up from the nest of blankets, rubbing my eyes to get the sleep from them, I blink away the blur that coating my vision due to sleep, wanting it to go away so I could focus on what was going on.

With one last blink a was able to see Two tall, pale and bony figures standing in my cell.

Quickly looking down I notice the one standing closer to me is wearing a sack wrapped around his waist, letting out a small sigh of relief at the sight, I look up at the two confused.

The creature standing closer to me start making that soothing grumble again as he inches closer to me.

Slightly weary but not wanting to have a panic attack from overthinking, I sat there eyeing him with suspicion but not making any moves to get away from him.

I take a shuddering breath as he lifts me from my pile of blankets, leaving me nude, before holding me close to his large body.

He gurgles something to the other alien, giving him a nod he starts walking out off the room, us falling close by.

I manage to take one last look of the nest of blankets before the cell door shuts with a faint whoosh.

Leaving me,


without comfort

and on the verge of a panic attack.

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