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Gallant's POV

Sitting back down on my chair I feel my shoulders relax as I my little ooman close to my chest.

Running my ran through his mane I think about what had just happend.

I had had originally thought he was going to fight me or at least refuse to eat the food I had gave him, but once again imagine my surprise when Red started eating almost immediately after I set the food infront of him.

I had took a moment to observe him to make sure everything was ok before starting my food.

Unfortunately, the calm didn't last long as my pet had shot up from his slumped but comfortable body to rub his throat in discomfort making me slowly start to panic as he started coughing and making noises of distress.

I had instantly gotten up to get him some water to sooth the noticeable pain the coughing was bringing his throat, making sure to put it in one of the ooman safe bottles I had gotten for him.

Right after I had rushed towards his still convulsing body, placing my hand on his back, lightly tapping it just incase he was also choking before placing the teet of the bottle in his mouth, hoping he would latch on quickly.

To my relief, he had almost instantly latched on, closing his eyes as the water rushed down his throat.

Once I was sure there wasn't anything else wrong I had unattached the straps on his chair before bringing him onto my lap, making sure his bowl of "ooman safe" food was as far away as possible at the moment.

Shaking my head, I turn to Red, not feeling all to hungry at the moment I pay extra attention to him, making sure he was ok.

Gently removing the bottle from between his lips I carefully feel around the outside of his throat, not feeling anything concerning, I manage to coax his mouth open so I could check the inside of it.

Feeling as relived as I could in this situation I let Red drink some more of his water as I mindlessly stroke his mane.

Lost in thought, I think about the vet appointment that the Vendors had scheduled before my mind wonders to how Red was going to react to the bath I was going to give him soon.

A shift on my lap makes me blink out of my thoughts before brining my attention back on my little pet.

My lips start to twitch into a smile as I watch him once again study the food on my plate and for a moment I let my thoughts wonder, but this time thinking about the food Red eats on his planet and from the way he was looking at my plate I assume it wasn't the same the food here.

Watching him position his body, angling towards the food makes my amusement suddenly damper when I hear his stomach grumble.

My eyes flicker over to his bowl of food instantly making a frown appear on my face at the thought of letting him touch that anytime soon.

Sitting up straighter I carefully bring my plate closer to us and pick up a small bite size piece before brining it to my mouth. Watching as his eyes travel with the food in amusement.

Next I lift an even smaller bit up and holding it out to Red.

"Gallant?" He softly questions making my body melt at the cuteness.

"Try it little one" I gently coo at him, bringing the food closer to him mouth.

He hesitentally opens his mouth enough for me to place it inside it before he starts chewing it.

Quickly feeding myself a piece I watch his expression, trying to figure out if he likes it or not.

Soon after he swallow the food he opens his mouth so I can give him more.

Silently chuckling I choose the small red berry, wondering how he would react to the unique taste. I wasn't disappointed as his face almost instantly scrunches up when I place in his his mouth.

I feed him something different then feed myself as he chews before continuing the cycle. This carries on until all the food is gone from my plate.

Feeling content and full, I pick up Red into my arms, walking into the main room so I could place him on his nest while I cleaned and got his bath ready.

Not long after do I start up the machine that cleans the dirty plate before I make my way to the wet room.

Clicking the button that starts filling the bath after selecting a low water level to avoid drowning my pet, I read through the information cards on the ooman friendly soaps I had purchased at the store.

Following the instructions, I add a couple of drops to the flowing water before walking back out towards the main room, knowing the water will stop when it reaches the level I want it to be.

"Red" I call out after spotting him on the nest.

"Come" I state making sure to put force on the word so he knows its a command.

Red looks up at me cautiously before getting up from the nest and making his way over to me.

Feeling proud I quickly pet his head and praying him once he reached me.

Making sure he was following me I once again head in the direction of the wet room.

Turing around I notice that my little pet seems to have stopped before entering the room making me walk over and pick him up.

After testing the tempter wasn't too hot for the oomans delicate skin, I gently start removing the cloth covering him.

I start chuckling as I notice the warm red the starts blooming on his cheeks as he stands in the wet room without any coverings.

Shaking my head with a smile I quickly but carefully pick him up before placing him into the water, hoping that with his body being submerged it will help him fell better.

Unfortunately, I almost imediinteily notice his discomfort in being in the water making me sigh.

"Red" I coo at him.

"You're such a good boy" I tell him, watching as he get distracted by my voice.

"You've been really good for me haven't you?" I continue as he starts focusing on my voice more than the water.

"Hmm I think you deserve a treat once we are done"

I start gently washing his body with the different soaps all will talking about how good he was and what was going to happen next.

He sadly once again starts to panic when I move from washing his body to wetting his mane in preparation on it being washed.

"Red, calm down little one. Im just going to wash you're lovely mane and once that is done I will bring you out, ok?" I murmur to him, all while making eye contact knowing that would reassure him more.

And with a heavy chest I wash his mane as quickly as I could while making sure it was actually washed in the end.

Lifting him out I place him in the air dryer for a moment, feeling guilty as he starts panicking again.

Luckily, the air dyer makes it so you are in and out before you could even think about how the situation makes you feel.

Once again I bringing him into my arms, making my way toward my sleeping area.

Making sure not to hurt him I place the new sleeping covering on him before placeing him on my sleeping pit while I put on my coverings for sleep.

Remembering that I still haven't set up his bed, I think for a moment wondering if it would be cruel to let him sleep in his nest but with a look at the adorable ooman I decide to let him sleep with me for one night.

Laying down I pull some on my furs over my body before bringing Red to my chest, making sure to give him some of the furs as it can get really cold at night.

I then hit a button on my wrist panel that shuts off all sources of light before letting myself be drifted away by sleep.

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