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Lucas's POV

My breathing starts getting heavier as I look around the unfamiliar place.

I was currently being carried by the nicer alien down some kind of corridor.

Looking around I notice that everything is almost a blinding white colour, the walls, the floor, the ceiling.

The only thing that I can see that isn't white are the beings in the separate cage as we turn down a different hallway.

I gulp nervously as we pass a group of what looks like some kind of dragon/ human hybrid.

One of them notices me looking before letting out a roar that shook me down to my bones.

Making me, without much thought, hide my face in the aliens neck.

My body starts to shake with nerves the longer we lock, making me wish I had my blankets to hide in.

Luckily the next corridor didn't have any prisoner, just walls of a blinding white.

Trying to relax my hand starts unconsciously rub a circle patter on the aliens throat.

sighing in content I let my body gradually start to relax at the soothing sensation.

Just as I was staring to drift off to sleep, body jerks awake at the familiar whooshing noise, I feel will give me PTSD flashbacks when I hear it.

Carefully untangling my arms from around the creatures neck, I take a hesitant speak at out surroundings.

The giant pool of water indicates that we are in some kind of bathing area.

Blushing I look down as the alien holding me sets me down on a soft area in the corner of the room, while the alien one seems to be adding things to the water and picking out what I assume are soaps.

Looking around the room trying to spot the other alien I notice I can't find him anywhere.

My head snaps towards an opening in one of the walls as I hear a faint whooshing noise, my tense body slightly relaxes when it just seems to be the other walking in the room with a large fluffy blanket looking thing in its arms along with some kind of small black fabric.

I watch one curiously as they seem to talk to each other in their gurgling language before the alien number one starts coming towards me while the other sets down the stuff he brought.

With a tremor in my body let him pick me up, dreading of whats to come.

My body seems to lock up in panic as he gently places me in the silky water. sitting me down.

Despite the water only coming up half way to my chest, my breathing starts picking up as my body fills with anxiety, remembering the reason I don't take baths.

A whimper escapes my lips as my mind flashes of all the times my brother would push my head under the water when had to bathe me.

He hasn't bathed me in years but my body always locks up at the thought of ever bathing again.

A weird gruelling noise bring me back from my memories, making my head lift up in the direction of said noise.

I slight speak tumbles out of my mouth when I was faced to faced with one of the aliens.

Luckily he seems to ignore the embarrassing noise that came from my throat as he start lathering my body in some purple liquid.

Even more embarrassed I try to clean my body my self, especially when his hands start drooping to low for comfort.

Focusing on the hands washing my body is better than focusing on the panic that it ready to burst from my chest the longer I am in the pool of water.

I get made to stand up as my body is rinsed before I am picked up and placed alone in some kind of shower stall.

My confusion only increases along with the panic as a weird noise is sounded before the oddly looking shower head start spraying some sort of dry gas making my heart work in over drive, instantly sending me into a panic attack.

My shaking legs collapse under the weight on my heavy body, my chest hurting in effort to breath.

Huddling up in the corner of the stall I pull my legs against my chest, wrap my arms around them as my body rocks back in forth due to the panic.

Black spots cloud my vision as my lungs don't get enough air inside my hyperventilating body.

I could feel every weak lump in my body shaking.

I could feel the aching in my chest as it heaves to get oxygen.

I could feel the fear of not knowing if I was going to be able to breath again.

I could feel the adrenalin rushing through my veins.

I could feel the pounding in my head, making my vision swirl.

My last thoughts were off body hands grabbing my body before everything went black.

The Aliens Petजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें