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Gallant's POV

"Would you like to go in?" The Vendor asks making me immediately nod my head yes.

Paying more attention to the adorable little ooman more than what ever the Vendor was clicking on his tablet made me slightly jump from the quite whooshing noise the glass made before the cage door appears and opens enough for me to slip inside.

Remembering how skittish the ooman was I controlled myself enough not to just go running in hoping my slow approach helps him feel more safe.

Just as I stepped through the door, a slight gasp makes my head shoot up my pure white eyes immediately connecting to the oomans blue coloured ones.

The oomans body suddenly tenses up and looks like it wasn't breathing.

"Calm down little one" I softly murmur to him.

When that doesn't work I gently crouch down, still keeping a distance hoping not to over crowd him.

"Breath" I command in a sterner voice but hopefully softly enough not to scare him.

I watch as his chest heaves with a sudden large intake of hair making me a pinch of relief before panic overcomes me as I watch his chest start to inflate and deflate at an unnatural speed.

I freeze on spot not knowing what to do, wanting to run to him but not wanting to scare him anymore that I already have.

My internal debate shatter as I watch liquid rapidly fall down his cheeks and multiple sounds of distress spill from the oomans mouth.

Only thinking to comfort him, I leap to my and scoop him into my arms before sitting down, dragging him on my lap as I do so.

Pushing his face into my chest I gently rock from side to side hoping to calm him down.

When it seems to work to some extent I carefully drag the furs he was wrapped in from the nest and covering his shaking body.

A few more minutes go by on the ooman sitting in my lap while I gently rock, occasionally rubbing his back is soothing circles that seem to make his shiver, before I decide to look down at him making a smile of pure joy spread across my face when I realise he was already staring at me.

My hand travel to his head, petting his soft main as he suddenly breaks eyes contact to burry his face into my chest.

"Adorable" I softly coo down at him.

As my fingers tangle in his main, his body slowly starts to slump onto mine almost fully relaxing against me, making me once again smile at the show of trust.

Embarrassment rushes through me as I start to purr in content, jolting the once relaxed ooman.

Clearing my throat I start to rub down his back, distracting him from the embarrassing sound, making him once again start to shiver in pleasure.

His entire body seizes before shivering from the bottom on his spine, all the way up to the back of his neck making his shoulders hunch.

Hearing the whooshing nouse of the door opening I pulley hand away from the oomans back making him emit a slight whine in protest.

I let out a slight chuckle before brining my attention back to the Vendor standing at the door.

"He's perfect" I breath out in awe at the Vendor, answering the unasked question making him let out a happy coo, catching the attention of the ooman in my arms.

Gently scooping him back into my arms before carefully getting back to my feet, making sure to leave the furs behind before following the Vendor out of the cage and into a more private room.

Once sat down on one of the chairs I make sure my soon to be pet is comfortable only to see that he has fallen back to sleep.

Turning my attention on the Vendor we take some time to go over the do's and don't before he hands me over a contract legally handing over ownership to me as long as I keep up my end of the deal.

The Vendor makes an appointment for me to see a vet for my little ooman to get certain shots due to him not being strong enough to sight off the illnesses on my planet and he also gets me to agree on getting a tracker placed in him for safety reasons.

With a finale discussion on living requirements and the things I will need to buy, the Vendor lets me scan my wrist, paying for my pet, officially making the ooman mine.


I decided to walk to the store that mainly sells pet supplies as the closest one wasn't far from the pet store.

I constantly kept checking on the sleeping ooman in my arms the entirety of the journey, feeling giddy at the thought of having a pet.

Once arriving at the destination, I get one of the trolleys specifically made for people with pets due to its safe area attached that reaches to the middle of my chest.

I gently place the delicate ooman on the soft area making sure he wasn't uncomfortable before making my way around the store deciding to start simple as I make my way over to the grooming supply.

After a couple of minutes I place a bottle of soap that cleans pets manes into the trolley along with a body wash, a strange looking comb that is meant to keep their mane nice and presentable and a couple of other things.

Next I go to the food isle adding the pellets best recommended for oomans. Not knowing what flavours to get I add a couple off different bags in.

Just as I was about to go get him more personal items he starts to wake up.

Coming to a stop I gently lift him up before pressing him to my chest and rubbing comforting circles on his back.

He instantly starts to fall back asleep making me once again chuckle at him.

"Wake up cutie" I coo at the adorable thing in my arms before lightly shift him so I can start pushing the trolley down the next isle.

"Hey- hey" I tenderly shush him when he starts whimpering, eyes darting around the new environment.

"You're ok" I whisper to him. "Ive got you little one"

I take my time walking to the place I know keeps the bedding, letting me have more time calming him down.

The more reassurance I give him the more obvious it is that I've still not named him.

Loosing myself in thought, my faces pinches in frustration as I try to come up with a name for him.

Just as I start to become annoyed at myself and my inability to come up with a good name, a gentle patting against my chest startles me out of my thoughts.

Looking down at the little ooman in my arms my heart swells at the adorable site of him shyly looking up at me.

He lets out a whine and some other strange noises, almost like he was trying to communicate with me as his once pale face turns a warm red colour.

I let out a slight hum of curiosity at the sight before cooing at him.

I then set him on the floor once we reached the beddings, encouraging him to have a look.

He shakes in fear as his eyes once again dart around him before clinging to my leg.

With a quiet sigh I crouch down next explaining what I want him to do, even though I know he can't understand me. I add exaggerating my hand movements towards the individual beddings hoping he some what understands what I want him to do.

He stares at me for a few moments before shakily nodding and walking towards them.

He looks back a me a couple of times to make sure he was doing it right, making me give him some type on encouragement overtime he did so, all while tapping on his right thigh.

A/N: Sorry the chapter wasn't the best, i kind of ended up falling asleep near the end of writing it.

Anyway, seen I am doing one of these let me ask, how are you enjoying the story so far?

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