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t/w: mention of past child abuse/ neglect

Lucas POV

Waking up was a strange experience, especially with not remember when I fell asleep.

Blinking back the fuzziness from my mind I squint as my eyes adjust before taking a look around.

Letting my body once again relax back into the birds nest Gallant made me before the memories of what happened before I feel asleep assaulted my brain.

My face flushes in embarrassment and shame at my actions and the way I clung to the alien for comfort.

Shaking my head quickly to get rid of the memory and lingering embarrassment before stretching my stiff body.

My mind baffles as my eyes widen in astonishment at the pain free movement.

Don't get me wrong there wasn't any content pain or anything effecting my everyday life, or I hoped there wasn't, but my body constantly felt achy and sometimes even stiff, mostly in places I was previously injured.

Flexing my left hand I stare in awe at how easy and free the movements felt, not ever really noticing the pain I had felt until I can no longer feel it.

Feeling my eyes tear up at the unexpected relief, quickly jumping from the nest wanting to see if there were any other differences.

Stumbling, I quickly gather my balance before taking a step forward only to feel my knees buckle at the forces I usually had to use to get my legs moving.

Collapsing onto the ground my hand covers my open mouth as silent tears fall from my eyes.

Choking back my emotions I wipe my eyes with shaky hands I get back onto my feet before taking a gentle step forwards not feeling the usual lag in my knees I got from spending hours on them cleaning the hard flooring of the house I grew up in.

Sniffing, I take another hesitant step only to notice the non-existent tightness in my right thigh i barley remember once feeling, and even though I don't remember recall a time I hadn't felt it I instantly knew it was from a time my father had stomped on my leg until I was unable to walk.

Not being able to cope with the emotion swirling in my chest I stand on two feet trying to understand what had happened.

My eyebrows furrow as my hand absently rubs my chest as my mind try to piece together the missing pieces.

Taking a calming breath as I try to regain control of my suddenly overwhelming emotions.

While a sob breaks past my lips I quickly find myself curled in the nest, warped in all the strangely textured blankets, my teddy in the middle of it all with me.

With emotions still high it didn't take long for me to fall into a restful sleep.


The feeling of being suspended in air wakes me up with a sudden fright.

A rough husky voice soothes me as I was placed against a warm chest, my body still curled comfortably against itself.

My hands raise as I dazedly stretch, still feeling half asleep only for my hands hit the alien in the face.

Neck snapping, my eyes shoot to connect with Gallant as my cheeks heat up once again in embarrassment.

Slowly blinking my eyes, I keep eye contact with Gallant as the feeling of his chest vibrating abasing mine as he talk lulls me back into the feeling of being half asleep.

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