Chapter- 37

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Difficult time's going on guys. Please stay at your homes and stay safe!

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Shreya's POV-

Today was the day we were flying to Rome for the venue hunting. It was my family and Kabir's and I had coaxed Saraansh to come with me too saying that he could capture the beautiful place. In reality, I needed someone to keep me sane amidst all the craziness that was going to take place. I could have asked Anika too but then I wanted her to spend sometime with Vaibhav. The others had already started work. Technically, Saraansh was supposed to too but now he is just sitting next to me.

Kabir was busy with his laptop. Such a workaholic! Can't even stop here. Initially, I was sitting next to him and poked him a few times but no response, just a ' SHREYA ' so then I left him to his stupid work and then went to sit with mumma where she started lecturing me about something I can't even recall and finally, I came next to Idiot and talking.

" Shreya, go and sit next to your to be husband dearest who has been looking at you for five minutes now." Saraansh said, breaking the chain of my thoughts. He was sitting opposite to us.

" Let him...I did go to sit with him earlier and he did not pay me one ounce of attention. Why should I go now? Let him look at me." I hugged, folding my hands.

" He was working. Not like you, doing time pass." He taunted me and I hit his shoulder and trust me, it was not just a nudge.

" Ouch you violent woman....that hurt! I am going to sit with aunty. At least she won't attack me!" He exclaimed, getting up but in reality, I knew why he was going. He wanted Kabir to sit on his seat. As if that is going to happen. I pulled him down back and made him sit.

" Now keep quiet and just sit. Don't try to act over smart with me, okay." I glared at him and then turned towards Kabir who had an amused smile on. Why was he not annoyed!? I want him annoyed. That's it.

" Listen....tell me ideas how to annoy him." I whispered to Saraansh.

" Shreya, why on earth do you want to do that?" He asked, whispering.

" Because....I enjoy it?" I offered and he rolled his eyes.

" Okay....just ignore him then." He told me such a brilliant idea! Note my sarcasm.

" Oh great Einstein, what have I been doing for the past twenty minutes? He still looks amused and not irritated." I whisper yelled.

" I don't think that there is any other way to actually annoy, annoy him." He added but exactly at that time, my mind got a fantastic idea.

" But I do. I am going to talk about how that idiot boy....Mark proposed me in Paris and that Adam in New York!" I exclaimed.

" Fine.....but as your best friend, it is my responsibility to tell you that it is a completely horrible idea. It is going to backfire on you." He replied, sighing.

" You are useless.....always demotivating me. Now shut up and let's start. It's going to be so much fun!!" I exclaimed again, giggling.

I, again looked at him and he was sitting next to Adi who had fallen asleep. In fact, all the kids had. Janu, Samyak and Rushi too.

" remember Mark? I just got a message from him the other day." I started talking, right in the voice where Kabir could hear me. The others were engrossed in talking.

" Yeahh...that Paris guy na? But why are you asking?" He asked.

" Yes, yes, the one who proposed me. That one. He texted yesterday, see." I opened the phone and showed him the last message he himself has sent me. It was a poop emoji, Saraansh's favorite as I rolled my eyes.

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