The Last Human :- Chapter 3 :- History Is Written By The Conquerors

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Chapter 3 :- History Is Written By The Conquerors


He laughed,

Vile, inky spittle,

Prominent on his lips.

"The world belonged to you?

Tis' why you never deserved Earth!

You espoused your superiority as sentinent beings,

Neglecting to realise that sentinence is no guarantee!

Life on earth had existed for millions of years,

And it had done so without the need for sentinence!"


Deeply shamed,

The old man,

Cast his head low.

"Human civilisation barely lasted for

Five thousand orbits of the sun!"

Caltha laughed as he laid his scornful,

Jagged words, upon the last human left alive.

"Compared to the dinosaurs, who stalked the Earth like thunder,

Your reign lasted less than the blink of an eye!"


And why?

Because of Greed,

Greed that cursed you;

That cursed you with war!

You threw away your greatest chance!

In fighting amongst each other like children,

You condemned your greatest to hell and damnation!

So when we arrived; humans were weak and unprepared,

Thus humans condemned themselves to eternity, by their own hand!"


He cried,

The last human.

"You lie! The One.

He who had dared You.

And in doing so condemned You.

Fearless in stature and noble in bearing,

Thundering across all the lands as he did,

With this combined assembly of three species! He fought!

He led! He died so that we could be Remembered...."


Melancholic loneliness,

The Last Human.

For in a way,

Caltha had spoke the Truth.

Millions of humans had been purged,

Even before the Stellaris had become known.

Countless societies torn asunder; many elders wiped away.

Fraught with remorse, oh how he regretted betraying them!

The memory of his devoted, faithful wife brought fresh tears.....


He thought,

The last human.

Why didn't I see?

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