The Last Human :- Chapter 6 :- Twenty First Century War

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Hello everyone. Well this will be quite a long chapter and may be confusing, but don't worry, it will become more clear in the next chapter when all these weapons are used in battle!!!


Chapter 6 :- Twenty First Century War


The war.

Took its toll,

On all its cast,

A brilliant swathe of characters,

Who embraced with unbridled vigour NeoTech.

Sweeping changes that would alter our destinies,

And end officially the wheezing, spluttering twentieth century,

The Century of the Sun, aged, withered, cast aside

Gasping its last breath. The new century emerged. Youthful. Excited.


And so,

Technologies were developed,

NeoTech industries were established.

Cyber implants and Hive Minds.

Gensects, space stations and NanoMechs.

Quantum security defeated individual hacking threats.

Space drop vehicles and unmanned space fighters.

The dawn of a new age of war....

These technologies would be the weapons weilded by specialist cybernauts,

And the race for resources would instigate the next war.


What now?"

Said the idealist.

"What do you mean?"

Replied the confident anarchist derisively.

"Why fight wars?" the idealist mused.

And the anarchist grinned with murderous enthusiasm.

"Nothing focusses the mind more than deathly war.

When ones family and loved ones are mortally threatened,

When one's land and all they love faces certain destruction."


But why?"

Said the idealist.

Pondering the war philosophically.

"Why can't we make peace?"

"Are you serious?" the anarchist responded.

"You idealists hope for a pure human,

And seek to make them genetically untainted; superior!

Such a vain dream! No wonder your called Idealists.

We are realists. War is inevitable. Fight them, or die."


For what?

Impose our will?

Why can't we humans,

Work together to create life,

Instead of constantly, eternally destroying it?"

The anarchist laughed aloud. "Look at nature!

The strongest survives! The weakest are made extinct!

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