The Last Human :- Chapter 9 :- The GE Army

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Chapter 9 :- The GE Army


He arrives."

Professor Darien Cranbourne,

Steeled himself with resolution,

And dismissed his faithful charge.

Keiran swept into the research facility;

ValleyTech, home of the GE Superior Experiment.

"The Next War looms on the horizon Professor,"

Keiran exclaimed. "The Superior, how can they be readied,

And prepared enough to play a role in this war?"


He grimaced,

An exhaled breath,

Escaping from his lips.

"Ten months at the least,

That's applying maximum Accelerated Growth Hormones,

In which our supplies are rapidly diminishing,

Due to our pressing requirements for Operation Tyrannex."

And as they walked together down an extended corridor,

They passed laboratories of GE animals being developed; mass produced.


GE flyers,

With venomous claws,

And a shreiking call,

That rendered enemy cyber implants

Redundant and unusable. They spewed acid,

That dissolved metal and ate flesh away.

Feeding from corpses of enemy soldiers, they flourished.

Reproduced and multiplied quickly. And then the innocuous Weasels

Fast and small, carrying cloaking devices for their own protection.


And clawing,

They injected toxins,

Lethal on skin contact,

And fatal in the bloodstream.

And could emit specialized poisonous gases,

That instantly rusted metals and fouled electrical currents.

Then there were the large Behemons! Heavily armoured carapace. Unstoppable.


Mighty jaws,

With carbonized teeth,

And massive, shredding claws.

Who, with strength and fury,

Would run rampant in enemy formations.

And yet still more were being developed.

But by far the most impressive of all,

Was the Tyrannex, created from synthesized Tyrannosaurus Rex DNA!

And yet all these were overshadowed by the Superior humanoids.


Professor Cranbourne,

He guided Keiran,

And allowed him access,

To the institutes central labs.

Behind a mirrored one way window

Keiran peered into the lab and grinned.

Children of youthful innocence practised simple telekinesis tasks.

Teddy bears floated, machines formed and then broke apart.

A door into the room opened and Keiran stepped in.


One child,

He yelled excitedly,

And the teddy bear,

Fell out from the air.

Keiran bent low and lifted him.

"Now, how is school my son, Lucian?"

The other children saw and rushed their father,

Gathering around his legs, their strength obvious to Keiran,

As he struggled to remain standing amongst them. The Superior.


Please daddy!

Can we play?"

Keiran smiled back halfheartedly.

"After your lessons, dear Lucian.

The enemy they are growing strong,

And you must learn to be stronger.

So you can make me a proud daddy."

"Yes daddy. We will all make you proud. Promise."

Keiran put Lucian down and looked over all the children.


I'm busy.

I came here,

Only to say hello!

Study hard my children! Promise?"

The children were saddened but promised.

Promised to be the best they could.

And as Keiran left and the door closed,

He turned to Cranbourne. "Increase their growth hormone intake.

And supress their emotions more. I want soldiers, not children."

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