The Last Human :- Chapter 4 :- Kill Thy Parents

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Chapter Four :- Kill Thy Parents


I was.

In Twenty Twelve.

The year catastrophe struck,

Natural calamities that claimed many,

Earthquakes, superstorms, tsunami's, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes.

Snow storms, drought, flood, raging fires, landslides!

As though the Earth wanted to destroy us......

They said it was the end of the world.

That by our greed and selfishness, we deserved only destruction."


My Rage!

As I remember!

Oh how we rampaged,

Without care for Mother Earth.

Taking from her busom the minerals,

Depriving other life its share of water!

Raping the pristine land and planting human crops,

At the expense of other lifeforms far more deserving,

And so Earth turned on us, and made its revenge."


In time,

The young rebelled.

Why? They started questioning.

Their elders said Because Of.

Because Of money. Becuse Of power.

Because Of humans need for absolute dominance.

God willed us to rule over all creatures,

And Because Of this, we changed the Earth forever.

And the young became angered. And the young sought vengeance."


My son.

Kill thy father.

For we are already dead.

The painful words my father said.

Tears in my eyes, Fearful hesitation.

As I pointed the gun at him.

But he was right, for I was surrounded.

My young friends around me, they beckoned me on.

Had I refused to, my friends would have killed me."


My friends.

They forced me.

They had done so,

Because they too did it.

Killed their parents in horrible retribution.

For leaving them a world made redundant.

Kill us son, my mother implored, fighting tears.

My hand shook violently. Behind me a cruel voice spoke.

Kill them or we kill them, and then kill you."


My age.

I was eleven.

The memory of blood.

The splatter, how they died.

Proud on their knees. Steadfast. Resolute.

My mother died first. My friends applauded.

And then my father spoke. I love you.

I am proud of you son. And then I....."

The Last Human held his hand to his face.

"Twenty Twelve. The beginning of the end of the world."


All humans,

Are all barbarians!"

So Caltha spoke aloud.

"What species condone's such killing?

The murder of your own parents?

Humans are a bane in this universe!

You are nothing but filthy scum! Absolute primitives!

We were right to wipe you out! Barbarians all!"

The Last Human grimaced and felt the pain of guilt.


He screamed.

"It was Earth!

Earth screamed for vengeance!

We only listened and obeyed!

You don't understand! No one understands!

Earth demanded her soils to be quenched,

And with the blood of those found guilty,

We repaid her for all of humanity's past sins!

I did not want to. But I had to! For Earth!"


Too many!

Far too numerous!

For each human living,

Other animals had to die,

And for each human we killed,

We made room for others to live!

Other species to have precious water and food.

The Earth was overpopulated, humans had become a virus!

Forests, water, land, all saved! It was a torturous, devastating necessity!"


Pure Massacre!"

Caltha cried out,

And slammed his fist,

On the table before him.

"You're wrong!" The Last Human replied.

"Let me finish! Let my tale end!"

Betruse, devious and brutal, he waved his hands.

"We will let you finish. What happened next, Human?"

The Last Human held his head upright. "We started anew."


Sorry if this seems a little brutal to some readers! But I had to do this to point out how the robots and superior were developed! Hope you keep reading on!!!

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