The Last Human :- Chapter 8 :- The Century Of Humiliation

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Chapter 8 :-The Century Of Humiliation


American Conqueror,

Brought before him,

The ambassador of China.

Crafty and tactful was Laoueng.

He feared no man but Dian,

The highly revered and indomitable Asian Conqueror.

Laoueng strode up grandly, Keiran's eyes blazed fury.

"Laoueng, you come here as a representative of Dian,

And demand the impossible! For me to relenquish my rights!"


Laoueng countered,

His velvet tongue,

Adept at subtle conversation,

His mind constantly contriving thoughts,

Wily plans always daring and elusive.

"I come demanding the rights of Indonesia!

Their right to join with their anarchist brothers,

And break from the hated American influence of Old.

Whose interests are self serving and arrogant to the extreme!"


He responded,

To Laoueng's statement,

"That is a lie,

And you know it's so.

It cuts me to the bone,

To hear a great statesman like you,

Use such despicable language. In the past maybe,

We used diplomacy in a manner as you suggested.

No more. Not now. We have learnt from past mistakes."


Laoueng mused.

"China suffered terribly.

The Century of Humiliation,

We called it. Foreign Colonists,

Who imposed their will on us,

American and European conspirators destroyed our cultural identity,

The Japanese militarists raped and pillaged with no remorse.

And now the balance of power has shifted to us."


In response,

You cry foul!

You extolled gunboat diplomacy,

And so reaped the seeds,

Of your own future imperial destruction!

Your elders were crushed for such sins,

And rightfully so, having left you such legacies!

A legacy of global hatred against an American society,

That had enacted such devious international policies; garnered such spite!"


Keiran Sanders."

Laoueng spoke out.

"How does it feel?

To have the tables turned?"

Keiran began to vehemently protest now.

"I, like you, wiped the slate clean,

When we vanquished the old order, began anew!

Sons killed their fathers, and daughters killed their mothers!

And the Elders brought the whirlwind of death upon themselves!"


Still today,

The New America,

Is shackled with Legacies.

Shamed still by past policies!

We repented and paid the price!

Why must we be forever saying sorry?

How long must it be before you notice?"

Laoueng turned on The American Conqueror, relentless and tormenting.

"So long as we are powerful we shall never forget!"


In time,

We will fade,

For nothing lasts forever!

Only then will our diplomats,

Choose words carefully, lessen our manipulation.

But for now we are in ascendancy!

With technologies advanced, innovations unending, money to burn!

China has finally awoken from its centuries of dormancy,

And inevitably the world shall quake in fear of us."


He pondered,

And soon replied.

"Dian wants Indonesia's resources.

Its population is merely secondary.

China wants war to gain tantalum,

So necessary for its grand mechanoid projects,

As well as the Oktabi lithium processing facilities,

To replenish its nuclear fusion powerplants, support grid expansions.

China wants war." Laoueng was taken aback by Keirans remarks.


Your spies,

Have done well.

This I won't deny.

Dian expected this from you.

Blunt and direct. To the point.

Dian said he can guarantee no use,

Of nuclear weapons. It will be fought conventionally.

Our latest robotic technologies against your new genetic Tyrannex.

A battle of wits against whom he deems an equal."


Why hesitate?

Why the speech?

If you want war,

A conventionally based battle royale,

Then all you need to do,

Is tell me." Keiran felt his adrenalin race.

Laoueng had been ordered to create a new war.

Thus satisfied he bowed and turned to leave. Keiran shuddered.


For sport.

For rare earths.

For nuclear power sources.

Human life was merely secondary.

But even more than all this,

What made Keiran most hesitant about war,

Was the fact he was not fully prepared.

The new genetically engineered superhumans were still mere children.

He knew this would be a war to buy time........

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