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"Yes! What the hell, Mason? I didn't think you were going to lose this badly."

He glared at the shots. And then looked sheepishly at Sarah. She smiled at him. "You are still the manliest in my eyes, baby."

7 and 3.  And from Andrew? To be fair, Mason knew how much he could handle. As I saw Abigail carry Mason grumpily to his car, I had to laugh. She might show she didn't like him,  but I had seen the warmth and care she felt for him.

"It's okay. I will treat you to ice-cream." I said, grinning at him, and he made a face at me. Kyle held back a smile. He had taken Peter out for ice-cream as promised. It had backfired when the one shop that sold the blueberry flavor had sold out. Peter made him drive around like a mad person. I laughed in the back seat.

And then I demanded that I want chocolate chip ice cream from the first shop we went to. That was a fun day. It was nice to see him writhe around with frustration for a change. Peter had high-fived me, and that had made Kyle almost want to get us nothing.

"A word of advise, Mason. Never take her out for ice-cream." He said, but then looked at me. "We should go home."


"Oh, what a toughie it is to be the Alpha." Abigail lamented. "I am not jealous of you."

I shrugged. "It is what it is."

"Meet you tomorrow?" Mason asked.

"Actually, I will have to go to BayView tomorrow morning."

Lee cringed. "Yeah. That." She looked at Kaea. "Meet you in the morning?"

"Sure thing." Kaea smiled.

We got out, and as we reached my home, I held her hand. "You wanna stay here tonight?" My parents had gone out a couple of hours earlier. For a very long-awaited vacation. Apparently, my father was happier with the resignation than I had previously assumed.

She raised an eyebrow. "Well, I am done with the packing. I don't think my parents would mind." She blushed, and I grinned. "I mean- I- yeah, it's okay." She mumbled. "Just give me something to wear. Fucking Lee always makes me wear the skimpiest clothes."

"I should thank her," I said seriously.

"Hey!" She scowled. "Do you know how uncomfortable these clothes are? The sooner I am out of them, the better."

"I agree you should be out of them."

She blushed harder. But I thought she had finally run out of words.

We went inside, and she rushed with the clothes I gave her to change. She came out just as I was wearing my boxers. "That was quick," I commented. I had decided to wear some pyjamas or something, but then I looked at her in my shorts, and my shirts and my brain clouded over. And I thought you know what? Fuck it.

So in my boxers, I went and sat on the bed, turning on Netflix on my TV. She was glancing at me, eyes wide, focused on the one piece of clothing I wore. I grinned cockily at her. "Like what you see?"

"Shut up." She snuggled in next to me as we browsed through the catalog of movies. Her warmth turned me on. Her hair flowing freely turned me on. Her slightly smudged lipstick turned me on. What the fuck was up with me?

Thanks to the distraction that she was, even after 10 minutes, we had still not decided on a movie.


This wasn't hard. No, I just had to say what I needed to say. Like, hey Kyle, can we please have sex without it getting emotionally complicated?

How do I have sex with my mate without it meaning something?

Monster: A Werewolf RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now