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As I made my way out of the school, Lee stopped me. "K, I promised Jacob I would meet him right after school. Will you be okay alone?"

I smiled. Oh no, I am pretty sure Kyle is gonna prey on me again. I nodded.

"Don't worry about me."

Lee rolled her eyes. I agreed, such a stupid thing to say. But she shouldn't be worrying about me all the fucking time.My life could be bad, but I am not a baby. I told her as much.

"Fine, fine. Keep me posted, by the way."

I forced a smile, instantly reminded of Kyle's words from yesternight. Great, he just ruined a really casual phrase for me.

I hurried to my car, not stopping even once. I thought someone called my name, but I didn't stop. Why? Because I am not an idiot.

But as soon as I reached my car, my hand on the handle, ready to pop the door open and drive like my ass was lit on fire, a hand grabbed my arm. I froze, squeezing my eyes. But the hand pulled away softly, and I knew thatthis couldn't be Kyle.

I turned, and found the Devil's advocate right in front of my face. Just fucking great. After Kyle, the next best thing was Mason, his best friend. He wasn't as bad, even refraining himself from a lot of Kyle's 'activities'. But demons are only fallen angels, aren't they?

"What do you want, Mason?" I asked bravely as I kept my hand on the door's handle, ready to run away.

He shuffled on his feet, looking unusually shy. "I..."

Seeing him so weird, I gained some confidence, still not quite convinced this wasn't one of Kyle's pranks, but it didn't quite matter. If he was planning something, I was already trapped, the only thing I could do was to fall gracefully.

I think.

"What?" I asked again, trying to be just a touch more intimidating. I was enjoying this.

He shrank back, which was a miracle considering that he was so tall. "I...it's my birthday today."

I stared at him. What the fuck? He wouldn't come to me begging for a birthday wish, I was pretty sure about that. So what is this about?


He blinked. "Well, I am having a party today, and it would be great if you came."

I almost snorted, was this guy serious? He couldn't actually think I would fall for that?

"Oh yeah, it would be such a great gift, just seeing me tumbling into a pool or something. Humiliating me, right?"

He winced, to my surprise. "No...no. I have never been good to you-"

This time, I snorted.

"-and I want to change that. I promise I am not inviting you to... bully you or anything."

"Forgive me, if I don't trust you, Mason. You have never exactly made it easy."

He sighed, rushing his hand through his golden hair. "Look Kaea, I truly feel bad, and I just... I know inviting you to a party wouldn't make you forgive me, but it would be a step forward."

I stared at him. I wanted to believe him, but it would be so stupid of me to. "Kyle's gonna be there, wouldn't he?"

He looked down. "Yes."

I shook my head. "Leave me alone, Mas-"

"What if I take an oath?"

Now,that  stopped me dead in the tracks. If he was ready to take an oath, I couldn't really doubt his sincerity, but-

"And what would your oath be?"

"I'll...I'll protect you throughout the party. I will make sure nothing happens." He looked so sincere, so honest.

"And your mate's gonna be okay with this?" I blurted, not really thinking.

His eyebrows furrowed. "Of course, if anything, she's going to be happy about it, trust me."

A corner of my mouth lifted. "She sounds awesome."

"She is." He nodded like a puppy, a dreamy look in his eyes. I smiled, he looked absolutely and ridiculously goofy like that.

"I don't need your oath, Mason. Oaths are...tricky, and big. I just want you to just...try?"

He nodded seriously. "I will."

"Or I will tell your mate." I blackmailed him, a smirk forming.

His eyes rounded, and he shook his head furiously. "No, don't do that."

I laughed loudly, it was so amusing to see Mason like this. "Oh, and Mason?"

He looked up.

"Happy Birthday."

Well, the party scene is next week! Can't wait.

In the media box is "Fake Smile- Ariana Grande". It's like, a day old lol.

See ya!


Monster: A Werewolf RomanceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora