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"Oh my goddess, that was so good!" I said as we got off. Winnie in my hands, spidey in his.

He grinned at me, and dear lord... I honestly started melting. This was more exciting than the ride to me, and I was too happy today to fight this sensation.

"Cheeseburger." I announced and we started walking towards a food truck. He followed behind me.

We ordered two burgers, one fries and two cans of cola and sat comfortably on a nearby secluded bench. I glanced up at him, but he was already looking at me.

Nervously, I said, "Thank you." Then tried to smile.

He looked at me curiously. "For the burgers? Really?"

"No, no. For...today."

He stayed silent, still looking at me. "I don't think I did anything for you to thank me."


"No. Just think of this as me saying... as me saying sorry. And I know this is not enough, but I hope you think it's something."

I stayed silent, too, staring at my burger. "I really enjoyed today. Please just let me say thank you."

He nodded, wiping his hands on a tissue. "What next?"

I sank more into the bench. "I am so tired."

He laughed once. "Noob."

I glared at him. "Your hair is sticking out." A thick strand of his dark hair was jutting out like a horn. He patted it back and then looked at me.

"You have ketchup on your face." And before I could react, he wiped it away with his thumb. And his eyes were right there, and so were his lips and I was feeling giddy and before I knew it, I had pulled him gently towards me, and I felt like I was in heaven.

He kissed me gently, softly, like he was afraid I would disappear or change my mind. Held my hair lightly and I didn't care who was looking.

This was the best I had ever felt and I was so happy and so angry and so conflicted that it was with him. Kyle had seen me through so much, even when he didn't see me through much.

I had seen him too, even though I hadn't.

Maybe in a different world, I would have wanted him forever without questioning it, but not here. Not right now. I had too much to resolve before even dipping my toes into this stuff.

Then why are you kissing him? My wolf asked.

Because it felt right here, right now. It felt good, it felt endless. It felt like forever. It felt like home.

And wouldn't you want that too, no matter what?

Breathless we pulled away from each other, and he was holding my face gently between both his hands. "Don't do that if you don't want to."

But I always want to kiss him. And I was too scared to think about why.

I looked down.

"Kaea, look at me." His voice was magnetic, and so I looked. "It's okay. I know what it feels like."

He is probably the only one who does, but even he couldn't understand this bundle of ache in my chest that occurred whenever I looked at him.

But I was glad that this did not become more awkward. I still wanted to kiss him to death, do all the sinful things, but slowly reality was resetting upon me and I was panicking about what I just did.

Oh my goddess, the car ride home would be so awkward.

"I will-"

"Take the bus? The subway? Walk home? Take a cab?"

Monster: A Werewolf RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now