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I looked around, trying to spot Mason before any of the other demons could spot me. I still had some doubts about his intentions but most of them whooshed right out of my mind as soon as he uttered the word 'oath'. People who don't really mean promises don't make a gamble on their lives.

Lee spotted a table where all the drinks were kept. Better to start with a drink if I have to get through this, to be honest. The four of us made our way to the table.

I was not surprised when I spotted Kyle before anyone else. I knew he was there. I could sense him. But I didn't have to look.

But I also couldn't help myself.

He looked...gorgeous. He always did. He didn't have an angel's face, he wasn't 'pretty', just handsome as sin. His hair was a styled mess, and he looked very bored. But his eyes searched for something.

They search for you. I nearly jumped when I heard my wolf inside my mind.

Now you want to talk?

But she didn't reply this time.

I wanted to look away. I was so sure, it was just one second, I wouldn't let him know I am here, no matter what the bond tells him.

But, not even that second passed that I glanced at him, and he looked up.

He froze, not even moving a muscle, and I wondered why he hated me so much. What had I ever done? What does he-?

"Kaea?" Andrew lightly took my hand, effectively ending the staring....thing. "What do you want to do?"

I looked over at the party, when someone else grabbed my other hand and pulled me away from Andrew.

I felt the need coursing within me, sparking from the touch, and I immediately pulled my hand away.

Shit, nope, shit, nope, shit, no-

"Sorry, I thought you were someone else." Kyle said. "Hey, Andrew, I think Liam's looking for you. He heard you were at the party."

"Liam's here? Wow, I haven't met him in like years. Kaea, do you mind-?"

Do I? Yes, I do. I didn't want to be alone with the one guy hell bent on destroying my life. "No, no. Go ahead."

"I'll meet you in 10, I promise."

"It's okay. Lee and Jacob will keep me company. Take your time." I didn't want to seem like a total bitch on my first and a half date, plus Lee and Jacob would be with me, Kyle wouldn't....really....hurt me. Yeah, I am sure of that.


Either that or my dead body would be found charred in a dumpster somewhere.

Then why was my mouth so dry? Probably because this was the longest I had been with Kyle with him not clawing at my throat.

"You're the best, Kaea."

I smiled at him. At least some one other than Lee thought so.

Suddenly, I heard a growl just behind me, but it drowned in the loud music playing. I gulped, but then realized I couldn't because my mouth was so dry.

I spotted Lee and Jacob at one of the couched, some feet away, just doing lovey-dovey stuff. It was like 20 steps, I could escape-

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Kyle growled, turning me by grabbing my arms to face him. "Do you-"

His eyes were silver, but he closed them, taking deep breaths. "Get out before I throw you and your little friends out. Or maybe, I could do it just now."


I breathed a sight of relief, as I saw Mason approaching. He didn't look too happy. Which made me pretty darn happy.

"She is my guest."


"I invited her. And don't you dare try anything. She is... under my protection."

Look I know how to fight. I could beat most of them to a pulp, but I didn't know how to fight Kyle. He was someone I always lost to. So when he said that, my feminist self didn't go all grumbly.

"Your protection?! YOUR PROTECTION?! She is my mate, Mason, you have no right-"

"Then why don't you do it? Oh no, wait. You're the one she needs it against."

They were both breathing heavily, and I was so ready to walk out.

"Kaea, please go on ahead and enjoy the party. I am sorry for this."

I mouthed a 'Thank You' to him, and walked away. I didn't need to hear more.


"She's mine, Mason, don't-"

"I have a mate, you dickhead."

Like that changed anything. "Don't be around her."

"She has suffered enough-"

"Right, and you were always the savior? You never did anything to her." I monotoned, barely.

"Well, I did much less than you ever did. But this? This is the limit, Kyle. I just can't carry this guilt around anymore."

I snorted. "You didn't feel any guilt when you egged her, or when you had to spread a million rumors, or when-"

"I am trying to make it right, Kyle. And, so should you."

I snorted. What does he know about right? What does he know of anything?

He sighed. "Can I ask you to not do anything, just for tonight? Please? She's my guest."

How could I not do anything? She was right here, and it pulled me like a magnet. And just seeing her smile so genuinely, so beautifully at Andrew...

I felt hollow inside, but I was sure it was just my wolf. He was the one who wanted to love her, though I failed to see why.

And that dick Andrew, I was so sure my little trick would keep him away.

But from what I had learned, Kaea knew how to lure in just about anybody.

This party is going to be a weird sort of mess.

In the media box, you'll find "Habits (Hippie Sabotage Remix)- Tove Lo". It fits the party mood, also Kaea's mood.



Monster: A Werewolf RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now