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I walked through the forest, and didn't go anywhere near the stream because not only could I smell Kyle and his gang all through the perimeter, I could hear the hooting and laughing. And I want to say that I didn't give a fuck, I went in and cleaned myself anyway. But there was no way I could fend off four people, and god how many more, on my own.

I also knew that a person was following me. They were trying to be quiet about it, but an elephant would have made less noise. His pathetic spying skills were so ridiculously bad, I almost forgot about the eggs all over me.

Café Hill-view was situated near a lake, it was quiet, kind of secluded, and inside the nearest town. It had an amazing roof view with the Crescent Lake glittering and small mountains circling it. It was very romantic. Which made my current situation even worse.

It was pretty humiliating to walk with eggs on myself, and people stared at me like I was an alien. I, somehow managed to hold my head up high as I made my way to the roof, but apparently I looked worse than I thought because a waitress stopped me. "Ma'am, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Er... I have a date."

She paused and took in my look. "Are you...uhmmm... here?"

What the heck does that even mean? "Yes, I wasn't planning to come with eggs all over me, that happened on the way."

"Would you like some napkins, ma'am?"

"Oh my god, yes, thank you! Could you also do me a favor and tell Andrew Smith, he has got light brown hair and gray eyes, that there was an emergency, and I am sorry for being late?" I asked the waitress as wet the napkins and cleaned my hair and clothes.


Two minutes later, someone knocked on the bathroom door.

"Comin'. Give me two seconds please." I said. The bathroom was just the one, and so I knew had to be fast.

"Uh...Kaea? This is Andrew. The waitress said you have an emergency."

Well, fuck. I opened the door and he stared at me. "Oh hi, Andrew."

"This is an unusual emergency." He offered his hand. "Hi?"

I couldn't help it. I giggled. "Are you sure you want to offer a hand? My hands smell like eggs."

He smiled, his gray eyes crinkling. "I like eggs."

I shook his hand, laughing and feeling much better that he wasn't looking at me like I was the stupidest loser in this whole world. It shouldn't matter, but just the fact that I could laugh made this so much better.

"I am sorry, this is not how I imagined our first meeting would go." I said.

"Well, that's alright. Do you... uhhh...still wanna have dinner?" He was three inches taller than me, so I didn't have to look up too much, not as much as Kyle anyway.

"Actually, I don't think I can have dinner like this." I bit my lip. "I am really sorry."

"Hey, no problem. Don't worry about it. Can I ask you what happened though?"

My answer was almost a no-brainer. It's sad how easily I can lie. "Oh some children thought it would be a brilliant idea to throw eggs at passer-bys. I also tripped and broke my phone so, I couldn't really contact you."

"Damn, kids are getting naughtier these days. I hope you didn't get hurt?"

Tell me about it. "No, no. I am fine."

"Do you want to head out? Now that you're...clean?" Andrew asked, almost bashfully. Goddess, this is guy so cute.

"Are you sure you want to be seen walking with me?" I smirked.

He smiled back. "I am not a jerk, you know? In fact, is it okay if I walk you to your home?"

I stared at him surprise. "Wow, really? I guess the world still has gentlemen."

"Is that a yes?"



I just can't get it out of my head. Andrew called me last night, and said, "Hey, I am going on a date with a member of your pack, I hope it's okay."

And I said, "Why would it matter?" I know I am the future Alpha, and that he is a good friend but why the fuck would I want to control his dating life?

And then he said, "Well, I remembered seeing this girl around you. I hope I am not intruding."

Which is when my mind just raged with suspicion.

I told him- "Send me a picture."

And then he sent me a picture of Kaea, and I couldn't think clearly for several minutes. I couldn't believe she would date people so quickly. But then again, I wasn't too surprised. It was in her damn nature.

But I would be damned if I let anything good happen between them. And so I sent him a simple text- Nah, man. She seems cute. And I don't know who that is, so no problem.

Step one was done. It made me want to kill Andrew, but I had some better ideas.


My home was just a few houses away, and so I started looking out for the Devil and his minions right away. I thought I was being discreet, but apparently not.

"Is anything bothering you?" Andrew asked, eyebrows furrowed. "I mean, except you know..." He gestured to my beautiful self.

I laughed. "No, no, I was just seeing if the...kids were still around."

"Don't worry, this time, you will not be the only one getting chicken fetuses all over you."

I rolled my eyes, and smiled. "Putting it like that still doesn't make it better."

I consciously tried rubbing off the dried eggs, and they didn't really come off. "I am gonna smell so bad tomorrow. Oh, my home is right around this corner."

We stood awkwardly in front of my home, my fingers nervously wringing. Even Andrew glanced around, anywhere but me. We were standing close, but not enough. "Hey, ummm, thank you so much for walking me home. The whole thing was so much more bearable with you."

I tried for a laugh, but it came out awkward. "I would call you in, but..." This time I gestured to my whole look, I must be looking like Madame Satan.

"Hey, no problem. Do you..." I looked up hopefully at his words. "Do you...Would you want to go out with me again?"

I smiled. "Yes."


Andrew is a total sweetheart, you know who is not? Kaea's mate.

In the media box you'll find "Treat you Better- Shawn Mendes". You know what's funny? I am not sure if these are Kyle's thoughts, or Andrew's or both of them.

Love you!


Monster: A Werewolf RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now