Choosing Fate .:Prologue:.

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Three races gifted with a power like no other exist to maintain peace between the humans and their races. Elementals, Destinies and a Time Guardian.

Everyone is given a decision at birth to decide their eternal fate and future.

At the age of when newborns can sit and observe, they are put through a ritual of magic.

The child would be surrounded with the six majestic animals which represent their own element and race, four of them belonging to the Elemental race:Swans, Stags, Phoenixes, Pegasus, Eagles and Tigers.

The child would have a moment of wisdom but the moment would be just enough to decide his or her fate.

Every child is different as to why they chose the certain element.

Genetics had nothing to do with their child's fate of which race they belonged to. It is common for children to be the same race as their parents or either one of them as it was also common for the child to be a completely different race to their parents too.

Only three races with abilities like no other exist alongside with the humans. The Elementals are the most common race after the humans, the Time Guardians and Destinies next.

Destiny children do not belong to their parents as soon as they had chosen the majestic golden tiger. Parents will remain biological parents to the child but alas, being part of a such a strong and rare race requires a family environment with others whom the child could relate to.Elemental children on the other hand are required to stay with their parents unless the parents were unable to.

Time Guardian children however have a choice themselves to stay with their parents or be raised with others like themselves, a very uncommon factor.

All three races reside together in a peaceful patch of land hidden from humans, able to live freely with their enchanting abilities. Their culture is exotic with strange traditions such as the ritual itself and those who keep their home in order hold secrets not even the residents know of!The ritual has blessed every child and the outcomes have turned into great things for the future of these three magical races.

But the humans . . . they've always been selfish greedy creatures, lusting for bloodshed and for the immense power over the three.

So what happens if the child does not choose . . . but rather theychose her?

What would happen to all four races?

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Chapter 1

Six voices . . . six spirits . . . six elements . . .

"Stop it!" I screamed, slamming myself into the endless solid black foggy floor. "Please just shut up!"

They whispered to me, tickling my bare skin as I was only in a thin, short nightgown.

I burst into tears, shaking uncontrollably. "I don't want it! Let me be human! I don't want it!"

A voice stood out among them, letting out a howl.

"Emeria you are your own person . . ."

"Choose wisely Emeria . . ." the other called.

I screamed, watching the spiritual figures surround me.

"No! I don't want this!" I shouted, swatting the figures.

Another wolf's howl rang through the air and something knocked me awake.

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