Choosing Fate .:19:.

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“Time is drawing near Emeria . . .” the Water Swan whispered soothingly.

“Time to make a choice Emeria . . .” the Pegasus sighed hopefully. “We are the right choice for you . . . even you think so yourself . . .”

“No!” I cried out, blasting fire from my palms. It went straight through them and did not harm them at all.

“See?” the Phoenix cawed. “You belong with us! That was your first instinct; Fire.”

“It was a random choice,” I retorted, planting my hands on my hips. “And what have you got to say Tiger?”

“No matter what Elder Carvill says, we’ll always be there to show you the right path,” Tiger growled, almost purring.

“Because you can see the future,” I pointed out. “What about you Eagle?”

“We manipulate Time just for you,” Eagle whispered blissfully. “We care for you . . . Emeria you know that we are your destiny . . .”

“No!” I shouted. “Stop trying to decide for me!”

The Earth Stag charged for me, stopping with a touch of his antlers on my forehead. A vision of me using Earth, my hair green and eyes a matching brilliant colour. “You belong with us,” the Stag said lowly. “Us . . . Earth . . .”






“Shut up!” I shouted. “You’re pressuring me!”

“Pressuring puts you through the right path,” Tiger purred. “We are the right path . . .”

“I’m waking myself up!” I warned, pinching myself.

A scream pierced through the silent air of her bedroom as the six spirits charged for her, penetrating her mind and passed through her as though she was a mere ghost.

Cold sweat clung to her back while her eyes riveted around the dark room in a blur. Her heart beat a hundred kilometres per hour and the darkness in her room only made it worse.

“I hate you,” she whispered, burying her face in her hands in sheer agony. How was she supposed to choose? There was no solution to this; the pressure was on.

“There’s always a way,” she muttered to herself, sliding to her feet. “Maybe run?”

She contemplated about it, thinking deeply. If she ran . . . the three races could handle themselves right? They are all powerful together and they wouldn’t need to rely on her for a turnover.

Swallowing, she packed several pieces of clothing into her original bag which she hadn’t used for a month since she came here. Picking it up, she ignored the aches and pains in her bones and muscles and opened the door, peeking her head out.

A figure at the end of the corridor caused her to shrink back and peek through a crack of her door.

As soon as he disappeared, she slithered out locked the door, staring at the key for a second.

Should she throw it away?

Emerie you’re being stupid, she thought, scolding herself. These people are depending on you!

“But I can’t be depended on,” she whispered, exasperated.

Her hand however stopped her from throwing away the key and instead shoved it into her pocket.

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