Choosing Fate .:17:.

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A week later and the classes were cancelled that day.The reason was due to The Elders Appearance.

Emerie grumbled curses under her breath, pulling out the dress and left it on the bed.She leapt up and walked out, ready to find Darryl and demand for him to teach her water.

Emerie felt uneasy all of a sudden, remembering Ryker’s words and then the discussion of the Elders at that meeting.Her hope dampened and her mood flickered darkly down to a depressive emotion.

Fate and pressure were pushing against her shoulders like a burden she never thought she’d have to carry. Hundreds, possibly thousands of lives ready to die or survive at her hand and choice.

Blinking back angry tears, she opened the door to reveal the person she was looking for.

“Cian taught you Time,” he said with a grin. “I may as well teach you Water.”

She nodded blankly, letting him in and closed the door after him. “All right. What first?”

“Potty break.”Darryl came back five minutes later with a gallon of water hovering between his hands.“Do you have a bucket or anything?” he asked, annoyed and tired that he had to carry this weight of water all the way from the boys’ bathrooms.

She shook her head. “Can’t you make something out of ice?”

He grimaced. “It takes a lot of concentration Em. Oh well.”He released the pressure from his hands and watched it splash on the carpet, creating a massive damp stain.

“Darryl!” she exclaimed, jaw dropping. “How am I going to clean that up?!”

“Use the Water Element,” he said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“I don’t know how to.”

“Put your hand on the water little sister.”


Cian burst through the door, dragging Raquel with him.“We want to watch her practise as well!” Cian said with a grin and sat down on the bed with Raquel curling up beside him. They both tossed Emerie’s dress onto her pillow so that they wouldn’t wreck it.

Emerie rolled her eyes but did as Darryl asked for and placed her hand on the dampness.She wrinkled her nose at the water beneath her palms. “It feels like I’m touching pee.”

Cian snickered. “It’s probably Darryl.”The Water Elemental shot a glare at Cian before he put his hand on the water.

“You know how you can lift the ground when you use Earth?” Darryl questioned.Emerie nodded.“I’m guessing it will feel and be the same when you do it with water,” he told her. “It’s my theory.”

Emerie pressed her lips together into a line of concentration and faintly remembered how it felt when she dragged earth out of the ground.

Her brow creased from the focus she put in as she lifted her hand.The same heavy feeling was placed on her palm as she pulled it up, dragging a small blob of water with the movement.By small, it was measured to be about the size of a tiny, cheap Nokia phone.

She scowled, letting it drop and crossed her arms. “I suck!”

“You don’t put enough concentration into it,” Darryl said.

“Or she could just be focusing harder on Earth than Water,” Cian said with an eye roll. “You’ve got her thinking in Earth mode when she should be in Water mode!”

“It still worked,” Darryl snapped, turning his blue-eyed gaze on his sister. “Now you know what it feels like so push thoughts of Earth away and pull it up.”

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