Chapter 23

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Just over a month has passed since Mason and I returned form the amazing house in the mountain. It's been pretty hectic from the moment we stepped out of the car.

Mason has been busy dealing with the on and off again trespassing rogues and I have been busy with Rebecca learning everything about how to be Luna. 

Being a Luna is much more difficult than I first thought. Not only do I have to be like a mother to all pack members but I also have to oversee decisions by Mason and I have my own pile of paperwork to fill out. 

The one good thing is I am finally in the second trimester of my pregnancy, so I'm feeling better than the first few weeks. My nausea has disappeared and I feel much happier in myself.

My 14 week bump is becoming quite prominent and I always feel a comforting happy feeling when I wear clothes that show it. 

I am slowly getting my energy and appetite back, making learning all these new ways slightly easier. My breasts are obviously larger, much to Mason's joy. 

"Alyssa." Rebecca's soft voice calls out form behind the door. I put my pen down and lean forward against my desk. 

"Come on in." I call out. I watch as the door opens and Rebecca pops her head in before coming in fully. She gives me a sweet smile as she takes a seat in the chair opposite me. I see her eyes scan over my desk that is covered in scattered paperwork.

It was so organised this morning, oops. 

"How are you coping honey?" She asks, leaning forward and her eyes are looking over my face. It's been almost a week since Rebecca decided I would be alright doing this on my own and so far it's been hard.

Not only do I have to get used to all this extra work but Mason has been super busy and this pregnancy thing is not as easy as everyone says. I'm just thankful the pregnancy is getting easier, trimester two is suppose to be the easiest. 

Even though Mason has been very busy, that doesn't mean he hasn't been taking care of me. He send people to bring me food and water, I have constant guard supervision and he mind-links me every so often to check on me.

"I'm doing alright." I say, giving her a small smile. "I've finished my part for today so I'm just trying to help Mason." 

Rebecca frowns at me, I watch her look at the significant less paperwork on Mason's desk across the room. I see my words begin to make sense.

"You took half his paperwork." She says, still frowning "Alyssa, honey, you shouldn't be pushing yourself. At the end of the day, Mason needs to pull his weight with the paperwork and you are pregnant."

I sit, slouching back in my seat and run my hand down my face. "I know but Mason's been so stressed. We've barely seen each other these past few weeks and I just thought...I just thought if I did some of his work that he'd have some time to relax."

"Awh honey." Rebecca says, sadness in her voice. She stands up and walks around the desk towards me. I stand up from my chair as she approaches and sigh when she pulls me into her embrace. "If you want, I can give Mason a smack across the head. That usually does the job."

I let out a laugh, pulling away from her warm embrace. There is always something about a mothers hug that is comforting. Oh how I wish my mother were here.

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