Chapter 20

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The sun shining through the windows wakes me up from my slumber. I blink my eyes open slowly, letting them adjust to the sudden brightness. 

I look at the window and smile when I notice the sun peaking out from behind the mountain. I could wake up to this view every morning.

I let out a yawn and stretch out. I frown when I don't touch my mate and when I look over I see that he isn't there. I sit up and glance around the room , but I see no sign of Mason anywhere.

Sadness begins to build in my chest as I sit there. Where is he? Why isn't he in bed with me? I thought we would at least wake up together while being here. I was used to him being gone by the time I woke up at home.

We stayed up until the early hours of the morning talking and I felt like we were a lot closer now. We talked and talked until I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.

Suddenly, I hear footsteps heading towards the bedroom door. I look over just in time to see Mason walk in with a tray in his hands. 

His eyes meet mine and he smiles. I return it as he walks over to me and places the tray in my lap. He sits beside me and gives me a kiss, his arm wrapping around my waist. 

"Good morning gorgeous." His voice is husky. I notice that he is just wearing the boxers that he wore to sleep last night, surely he hasn't been up that long. 

"Good morning." I reply. I look down at the tray in my lap and see a pile of pancakes and bacon, with two cups of coffee on the side. "Thank you, this looks delicious."

He gestures for me to stat eating and grabs one cup of coffee. He sips it as he watches me eat. I devour the pancakes and bacon in record time, feeling the hunger diminishing inside me.

When I have finished, Mason chuckles and takes the tray from my lap. I watch him walk out of the room before I stand up form the bed. I stretch out my arms, hearing a delicious crack hen make my way to the bathroom. 

I pulls the shirt over my head and hop into the shower. The water is warm against my skin and I feel my muscles relax. My whole body is aching today and I feel too tired to even wash myself.

"Alyssa?" I hear Mason voice and realise that I didn't even shut the door to the bathroom and the shower is glass. I turn my head around and look behind me. Mason stands in the doorway staring at me, his eyes dark with lust.

I feel confidence bubble in me when I see his reaction. It makes me warm inside that I can make him feel like this by not doing anything. A growl comes from Mason when I move slightly. 

I smirk at him, enjoying the way he is staring at me. His eyes glance down my naked form before they meet my eyes again, the storm swirling in his eyes. 

"I can feel how tired you are love," He speaks up, taking deep breathes as he tries to control himself. "Do you want some help?"

I give him a soft smile and nod my head. I love how caring he can be. I know this probably is a bit dangerous, being so close while naked but I know he would never try anything without my permission. 

I watch as he pulls his boxers off but keep my eyes away from there, I'm not sure I am ready to look or for what will happen if I do.

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