Chapter 34

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My hands clutch the edge of the toilet tightly as I lean over and bring up nothing. My body heaves but there's nothing left to bring up.

I lean back against the cold tiles and let out a long sigh. Placing a hand on my stomach, I breathe in deeply and then out slowly in an attempt to prevent the nausea resurfacing.

These last few days have been really hard, my pregnancy symptoms have been getting worse. I can't tell if it's because my mate is so far away or because of my pregnancy progressing.

"Ally." Darcy's voices calls from the other side of the door "Are you okay in there?"

Everyday I get one or two of them checking on me throughout the day. I wouldn't be surprised if they had some sort of written rota of who checks on me everyday.

Masons been gone for too long and the past few days have really started affecting me worse than the rest. Although, I have been working myself into late hours and start early - that's the only way to keep my mind preoccupied.

Whenever I begin to think of my mate, it feels like my chest will explode and my wolf begins to pound my head.

"Ally." Darcy calls again, concern coating her tone. They've all been worried about me, ever since we watched Mason drive away. He should be back any day now. Hopefully.

They've already added two extra days to his stay, which meant two extra days away from me. We talk everyday on the phone and I know Ava gives him my health status.

Ava visits me every other day. She comes to find me wherever I am - which is either the office or our apartment. Then she takes all my vitals and the baby's.

I take one last deep breath before standing up and opening the door. Darcy stands there looking at me with a worried frown.

"I'm okay." I reply, squeezing past her and sitting back down at my desk. Papers are piled high on one side, ready to be reviewed and placed on the done pile the opposite side.

The past couple of weeks I have managed to get a nice system going but trying to get Mason's work done as well is tougher than I thought. I don't want him to come home to a pile of paperwork, especially since he'll be shattered after these meetings. 

"You haven't eaten, Ally." Darcy follows me and perches on the chair opposite my desk. "You need to eat."

"I took a bite and it all came straight back up." I shrug, my eyes darting to the discarded sandwich on the edge of my desk.

I pick up the top piece of paper and beginning to read through, but my eyes don't take in any information. The aftermath of the nausea still hovering over me.

"Have you talked to Ava about this?"

"No, it's okay. It's normal I'm sure." I reply, avoiding Darcy's calculating eyes. I didn't tell Ava because I've avoided her for the past three days.

Each visit is the same and I just need a break from the constant observation. It makes me feel like something is wrong, which is stupid because Ava always assures me that my pregnancy is going swimmingly.

"You should let her know Alyssa. She might be able to give you something to stop it." Darcy chides "You'll lose weight if you don't eat regularly and that's not good for you or the baby."

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