Chapter 10

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The second time I woke up, the sun was shining in through the windows and my mates arms were tightly wrapped around my waist.

A smile finds my lips as I look up at my mates peaceful sleeping face. His lips are slightly parted as he breathes slowly.

I bring my hand up and gently stroke down his cheek, from his ear to his jaw. His body shivers at my touch.

I like how his body is affected by me just as much as mine is by him. He makes my heart flutter all the time.

I drop my hand and turn to see what time it is. I gasp and sit up when I realise it's midday. We're late!!

Mason sits up abruptly, his body rushes to hover above me in a protective manner. A growl slips from his lips as he scans the room for danger.

When he finds none he turns to look at me. His eyes look over me slowly, his eyes lingering on my stomach before they return to my eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asks, his voice gruff.

"We are late! We were suppose to meet your parents an hour ago." I say. I push on his chest in an attempt to push his off so I can get up, but he doesn't budge.

I look up and see him frowning down at me.

"So you wake me up like that and almost give me a heart attack because of that?" He asks.

Guilt builds up inside me. "Sorry." I say, lifting my head up to peck his cheek in apology.

"I told my parents we are meeting them for lunch instead." He says, leaning in closer to me "I explained you needed your rest."

I smiled in relief. "Thank you. You should have said!"

"You fell asleep before I changed the plans. I was not going to wake you." He explains.

I watch as he leans down to place his lips on mine. They're warm and soft as we kiss slowly. He pulls away and placed another kiss on my forehead.

"We are meeting them in an hour." He says getting off me. He rolls out of bed and stands up with a stretch.

As he stretches, I take a moment to admire his body. His muscles move and bulge magnificently. It's easy to see that he is the Alpha.

He turns around and I quickly look away, embarrassed from eyeing him up like candy.

I push the bedding off me and sit up. Letting out a yawn, I try not to let myself sink back into the cosy bed.

"I'm going to take a shower." Mason speaks as he appears in front of me. My jaw almost falls down in awe when I look at him.

There he stands, stark naked in front of me.

My eyes snap shut but I would be lying if I hadn't seen him. His chuckle makes butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"Love, you don't have to shut your eyes. You've seen it all before, as have I with you. This body is yours. Don't be so shy."

It takes every inch of self control not to open my eyes, because if I did I couldn't promise that nothing would happen.

Instead I shake my head. I hear him sigh and then seconds later the bathroom door shuts. I open my eyes slowly, looking around the empty room.

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