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Niki's POV

I watched as their car drove off before making my way to the waffles and ice cream dessert place near our house. Jennifer would always take me here because she loves the food. I still remember the first time I came here with her. It was nice until well i met Mark.

Usually when I come here I don't see him working but today has to be one of those unlucky days. I saw from the outside window that he was leaning against the counter on his phone. I saw that the place closes in 20 minutes, just enough time for one more customer.

I opened the door which made a ringing sound alerting Mark. I watched as he looked up at me to greet me with and unwelcoming expression, that I also returned.

Mark has always given me a bad vibe, just the way he's so close to Jennifer and their small interactions together just don't sit right with me.

I straightened my posture and as casual I could, I made my way to Mark.

"What can I get for you today?" Now even a hello or welcome or anything, how nice of him.

I slightly scoff before answering.

"Can I get matcha ice cream with the waffles."

Mark slowly typed down my order and when I gave him the money he snatched it from my hand. How childish, didn't Jennifer say he's like 4 years older than us.

I didn't wait long until Mark finished my order. I went to grab the bag with the dessert but Mark pulled it away.

"Are you still with Jen?"

"Why do you care?"

"What she's my best friend, can't I ask?"

"I'm her boyfriend and I don't have to tell you anything."

"So you guys are still together huh?" Oops. Did I say it out loud, oh well.

I snatched the bag before Mark could steal it from me again and made my way outside the dessert place.

I hate that place. The desserts are good though.

I quickly made my way into a flower shop to buy a bouquet of flowers before they closed. I noticed on my way out that the dessert place was closed.

Well that was fast.

Upon walking home I noticed that the front door was open with no one near by.

Why is the door opened?

I fastened my pace being careful that I don't spill the dessert. When I entered the house there was a strong metallic smell.

When I walked into the living room my grip on the flowers and dessert loosened, ultimately making me drop both items. In front of me was my mum on the floor with scars all over her body with blood spilling out of them. Jennifer was also on the floor with her back turned to me. I saw that she was holding the knife.

Jennifer POV



I saw that his eyes were on his mums wounds then my hand with the knife then on all the blood stains on my body.

Without another word he ran up and pushed me away from the woman. My hand was still gripping the knife making me bring the knife with me.


"I'll call an ambul-"



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