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It's been 3 years.

After that day I came back from the hospital and found out what happened about Niki, I stayed with Sunoo for about a year.

He looked after me until I told him that I wanted a change in life.

He was really supportive and I thanked him for everything he's done.

I decided to fly back to Japan to take over my parents business.

Ever since then life's been pretty quiet.

But ever since Mark, life's never been the same.

I've had reoccurring nightmares about Mark.

Ever since moving to Japan, I've had a really hard time talking to people and making new friends.

The only people i talked to was my business partners and people in my company, but even then we don't talk that much.

When I said life has been quiet, it's been too quiet.

"Ma'am" I jumped a little when someone called me.

"Yes?" It was just my assistant.

"It's 10pm, are you still working?"

I didn't even realised time went by so fast.

"Ah yeah I finished."

"You should probably go home then"

My assistant was always concerned for me since she knew everything that happened.

There were times where I would have full on panic attacks and I was so scared to leave my office and she would have to escort me home.

I'm so grateful for her.

"Do I have any meetings tomorrow?" I asked. If not then I'd probably just stay home.

"Ah yes you do." Of course I do. "It's with our new business partner from another company."

"Are they a man?"

I would always ask this question whenever I'm told I would have to attend a meeting. If it is a man I would always get my assistant to attend the meetings for me since I was too scared to attend them myself.

"Yes it is, would you like me to attend it for you?"

I suddenly felt bad. Now that I think about it, my assistant has done so much for me. I'm giving her 75% of my workload.

It's about time I do stuff for myself. If not I won't change.

"No it's ok, I can do this"

There was a smile on her face that made me feel warm.

She was proud of me.

The next day rolled around and I was nervous. I kept pacing around my office waiting for my assistant to enter the office with the guest.

A knock on the door almost made me scream.

You can do this.

"Come in" i said while making my way back to my desk.

My assistant poked her head in.

"He's here" She said before opening the door fully.

I got so nervous that I didn't look at the person. My eyes were glued to my hands under my desk.

"Ma'am this is Niki"

My hands that were trembling suddenly stopped but I felt my heart drop.

"Niki-?" I said while slowly lifting my head.

And I made eye contact with him.

"Nishimura" I finished.

He was just as surprised as I was.

"Jennifer." He called.

"Do you guys know eachother?"

"Yes. I mean, no. Wait i mean-" I started to stutter a lot.

"Well I'll leave you guys to it then" was the last thing she said before walking out.

"Wait-" i couldn't finish my sentence when she walked away.

I slowly turned my focus to Niki.

"Long time no see." Niki's voice filled the quiet room.

"Yeah it has been." I nervously responded avoiding eye contact.

This was a bad idea. Maybe I should've gotten my assistant to do this meeting for me.

"How have you been?" Niki asked.

I didn't answer. Instead I was in my own thoughts, over thinking every situation.

Does he still hate me.

Does he even remember anything that happened.

I mean he would since he remembers my name.

But it's been 3 years.

But he-

"Jennifer." Niki gently calls.

"Niki I'm so sorry" I blurted.

All the memories of 3 years ago start to fill my mind.

Niki was surprised to hear me apologise.

"I'm so sorry that I blamed you for something that was obviously my fault. I'm so sorry you were dragged into this, I'm so sorry for ruining your life, I'm so sorry for your mother, I'm so sorry fo-"

I was cut off when Niki pulled me in for a hug.

Suddenly all my nervousness disappeared but was replaced with a very familiar warm feeling.

I missed this.

"It's ok, it wasn't your fault."

There was empty void in me that's stayed with me all those years but being in Niki's arms right now fills that void.

We pulled a part and there was a smile on his face that I haven't seen in so long.

"What a coincidence seeing you here."

There was a smile on my face.

A coincidence indeed.


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