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3 years later...

The sound of the very familiar bell chimes in my ear.

"Mark" I shot up and off the bed making my way to Mark's room. I opened the door and without looking or saying anything to Mark, I got onto my knees bowing my head.

"Yes sir?" Still bowing my head I could hear Marks deep laughs.

I felt his presence approach me. He placed a hand on my head and started patting me like I was dog.

"These three years have taught you well." He moved my hair that was covering my neck. He let out a proud sigh when he saw what was on my neck. It was filled with cuts and love marks. All made by him. Every time I stepped out of line, I would be beaten and if it's one of those days Mark takes over my body.

It's because it's my fault.

My fault..

"Look at what I did to you. I never want to see these go." Mark trailed his finger along my scars and cuts.

He circled me eyeing every single bruise, cut and scar on my body like I was a piece of art. To him I was. I was a canvas for him to do whatever he wanted. Bruises and cut wounds trailed my upper and lower body.

Beautiful, Mark thought.

I knew at this point I've lost my mind, but anything for Mark right?

"Go make me something to eat." Mark instructed making me stand up and walk to the kitchen.

My cooking's skills improved over the years. Especially that day when he first did it. He threatened to do over and over again if I don't make anything good. And over the years it's happened over and over again though.

Again my fault.

But it made him happy, therefore what I did was correct.

I looked into the fridge and noticed that everything was gone, literally.

I made my way to Mark's room and kneeled on my knees again.

"Sir, we've run out of food" I was waiting for him to hit me or do what he loved most. I'm sure you know what it would be.

But this time he let out a sigh.

"I think you deserve to see the would again." He eyed me for any expression change. Last time he said that I jumped excitedly and when I though we were going to the shops, Mark dragged me into a hotel where he punished me, ruining me. But he was happy.

Mark is important to me. He needs to be happy.

I kept my poker face and he wasn't able to notice my excitement.

Mark instructed me to change into something with long pants and sleeves, telling me that only he can see the art he's done on me.

He's right, only he can see me.

I made sure none of skin could be seen only my hands. I wore a face mask so people can't see my mouth and cheeks, but my eyes would be visible.

"Baby you ready?" Mark peered in my room to see me all covered up.

He came over from behind me, i though he would wrap his hands around me, which he did but only with one hand. The other hand trailed down to crotch.

Just smile. I deserve this. Mark needs to be happy.

"Let's go" Mark whispered in my ear before nibbling my earlobe.

Suddenly Mark's phone goes off making him release me. It's normal for Mark to get a phone calls. He tells me it's his work friends which I think is cute. Sadly I can't meet them because Mark wants me all to himself.

"We're heading out now, we'll meet you there." I heard say before coming back into my room.

I might be meeting his friends today. Yay.

"Let's go"


I was told to find everything on this list. Mark followed me around in case anything happened. Suddenly Mark grabs my neck from behind, looked around to see if anyone was watching before slamming me into one of the shelves.

"Be a good girl and stay here. You don't want to upset me now do you." He spoke directly into my ear before moving himself away from me. "I have someone to meet so don't move." He emphasised the word 'don't'.

I'm a good girl.

I don't want to disappoint Mark.

I will stay right here and not move.

And that's what I did. I did not move at all. Thankfully it wasn't busy today and people wouldn't have to see me and all the beautiful marks Mark left on me.

Mark told me I looked good with them but only he can see them.

30 minutes pass and I'm still waiting. I barely moved. But that's what good girls do, they listen to instructions or they get beaten.

"This is her?" I heard voice behind said. I didn't turn around and just stayed where I was.

"Yep, but I don't want people to see what amazing things I've done to her." That's Mark's voice. I relaxed a little but it wasn't obvious.

Eventually Mark and another guy came up to me. Mark looked happy, more happy than he was before. The other guy eyed me up and down. He came up and grabbed my neck, pulling down my top so he could see my bruised skin.

I look behind the guy and notice Mark giving me dirty looks and telling me to stay still. This guy let me go before looking at Mark.

"You've got a good one." He said before walking away from me.

"I know, she's a good girl too."

I smiled a little to hear that he complimented me. It's not everyday I get complimented.

I felt someone's eyes on me and looked at Mark and the guy but they were talking to each other.

At the end of the aisle there was this blonde dude. How rude of him, doesn't he understand what privacy is.

I rolled my eyes and looked back at Mark and his friend. I watched in awe as they bid there goodbyes.

Mark started walking me to the check out. This wasn't bad. It's been awhile since I've been out. Mark looked around again before pulling my ear to his mouth.

"You're such a brat, how could you be so rude to the guy. Wait til we get home."


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