Chapter 17

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*This story is on-going and changes will be made along the way.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it

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NB! Adult-content | Mature | Romance


I was hot.

I could feel myself sweating under the weight on top of me. I was so disoriented and it took me a while to finally get my eyes completely open. Giovanni's arm was draped across me and his head was on my pillow right next to my head. The memories of our conversation early this morning came back to me and I couldn't help but smile. I looked over at him and watched as he slept. His soft breaths were all I needed to hear right now. Strands of hair had fallen over his face and I slowly tucked it behind his ear. He didn't move, he was too deep in his sleep and I figured it would be a while until he would be up. Judging by the alcohol I could smell on him last night, I was expecting a real hangover when he woke up. I reached for my phone on the bedside table and checked the time. It was just after seven in the morning and I had only bagged a few hours of sleep. I could feel I was exhausted but my mind was racing and I couldn't even attempt to go back to sleep. I decided I would head out for a morning run to try and release all this pent-up tension I had. If I had it my way, I would be doing another physical activity first thing in the morning but I knew that Giovanni needed the rest. I managed to slip out from under him without waking up and went to get changed. I used to run every morning - it was always a great way for me to clear my mind and it had been a while since I had a chance to do that. I quickly got changed, reached for my running shoes, earphones and cell phone - I was ready to go. I couldn't run in silence. I always made sure I had my music with me. I gave Giovanni a kiss on the cheek and left a message on a paper by the bedside table letting him know where I was going. I didn't think he was going to wake up before I got back but just in case he did, he'd know where I went. I made it downstairs and was greeted by the bright sun shining down on me. Autumn was upon us and I loved everything about it. The leaves turned to shades of reds and oranges and although the sun was shining, there was a cold wind in the air. My long sleeve shirt was all I had to protect me from the fresh breeze but once I started running, the cold air wouldn't be a problem anymore. I placed my earphones in and headed down the street in a light jog. Running always had calming effects on me. The burn in my chest that spread after running for a good amount of time made me feel like I could conquer anything.

As I ran I tried to go over everything in my mind again. I never expected Giovanni to rock up at my apartment, especially not after what happened last night. I hated seeing him with Casey. In that moment I accepted that I was done with him and his games but when he told me everything I needed to hear, I had to admit to myself that I was already in too deep. I knew exactly the type of person he was when I first met him and yet, I still pursued him. I wasn't sure what I thought would happen but I certainly never expected to develop actual feelings for him. I was convinced that I could have a one-night stand. I was actually adamant about it but I never thought he was going to introduce me to a world of passion and pleasure the way he did. He had ways with my body and I could never back out now. I was hooked on him and addicted to how he made me feel. Both physically and emotionally. After our conversation, we both knew that there was more between us than just a physical connection. It excited me. He excited me. I needed to feel him again.

After a couple of laps around my area, I made it back to my apartment building. Kat and Reyna were spending the day with their significant others so we had the apartment to ourselves. I made it back upstairs and went straight for a bottle of water. I finished it all in one go - my breathing was still heavy from the intensity of the run. The apartment was still quiet so I figured Giovanni was still asleep. I placed my earphones and cellphone down on the kitchen counter and went to check on him.

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